
dì sān shì chǎng
  • the third market
  1. 场外交易市场包括柜台交易市场、第三市场。

    The out-exchange market includes the OTC market and the third market .

  2. 好的,第三市场,赶上了。

    All right , Third and Market . Snappy .

  3. 再次,用出口相似性指数,从市场角度对中国与越南在第三市场的贸易竞争状况进行了实证分析。

    Moreover , the empirical analysis of the competitiveness between China and Vietnam on the third market is included , through their calculation of export similarity index individually .

  4. 研究表明:拉丁美洲国家和中国在第三市场(主要是美国市场)上的直接竞争威胁很小,这主要是由于二者的贸易结构互补性很高。

    Research shows that : the direct competition threat between the Latin American countries and China in the third market ( mainly is the American market ) is very small .

  5. 世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和剩余价值理论、罗莎?卢森堡的第三市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。

    As a school of western Marxism , world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx 's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value , Rosa Luxemburg 's theory of " the third market ", Lenin and Bukharin 's theory of imperialism ;

  6. Facebook迄今已聚集起超过4900万用户,其中,英国是其第三大市场,用户数量超过500万。

    Facebook has gathered more than 49 million accounts so far , including more than five million in the UK , its third-largest market .

  7. 正如前面提到的,JSF中有很多用于构建和装配应用程序的IDE工具,并且JSFGUI组件似乎还有一个正在增长的第三方市场。

    As previously noted , there are lots of IDE tools for building and assembling applications in JSF , and there seems to be a growing third-party market for JSF GUI components .

  8. 尽管苹果尚未就iPhone6何时才能正式登陆中国表态,不过中国作为苹果的全球第三大市场和增长最快的市场,iPhone6迟迟不能在华上市似乎也不是苹果愿意看到的结果。

    While Apple hasn 't released a date when the iPhone 6 will finally be available in China , its biggest growth market and third largest market total , that 's likely not by choice .

  9. 据尤妮佳的数据,国际纸尿裤市场有一半的市场份额由宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.)和金佰利(Kimberly-Clarkco.)占据,尤妮佳则位居第三,市场份额为10%。

    Half the international market is taken by P & GPG + 0.01 % and Kimberly-ClarkKMB + 0.86 % , while Unicharm comes in at No. 3 with 10 % , according to Unicharm figures .

  10. 根据咨询公司IDC的数据,印度在2013年最后一季度期间成为全球增长最快的智能手机市场,并将在今年成为全球销量第三的市场。

    India became the world 's fastest growing smartphone market during the final quarter of 2013 , according to consultants IDC , and is set to become the world 's third largest market by sales this year .

  11. 翱腾公司认为,一些大型航空公司和MRO可能会对台式模拟机进行投资,然而,他们需要证明从事第三方市场的投资是正确的。

    Some of the larger airlines and MROs probably will make the investment in desktop simulation , however , they would need to justify the investment by pursuing the third-party market .

  12. 再次,论文提出了KC公司第三终端市场营销策略,对产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略进行了详细分析。

    Thirdly , the article presents the marketing strategy for KC Pharmaceutical Co , Ltd third medical terminal , analyzing products strategy , fixed price strategy , marketing channel strategy , and promote sales strategy thoroughly .

  13. 他补充道,到那时,中国将成为furla全球第三大市场,仅次于日本和意大利。

    By then , said he added , China would become the third biggest market for Furla after Japan and Italy .

  14. 据第三方市场情报公司IDC日前公布的数据显示,去年中国智能手机制造商华为、OPPO以及vivo的年出货量大增,使得三家企业都成为了世界前5大智能手机制造商。

    Annual shipments by Chinese smartphone manufacturers Huawei , OPPO and vivo rocketed all three companies into the world 's top 5 smartphone manufacturers last year , according to the latest data released by third-party market intelligence firm IDC .

  15. 第三,市场也认为标普的决定是错误的。

    Third , the market says S & P is wrong .

  16. 中国是美国出口的第三大市场。

    China is the third biggest market for US exports .

  17. 中国是梅赛德斯的第三大市场,仅次于德国和美国。

    China is Mercedes ' third-largest market after Germany and the US .

  18. 第三产业市场的供求态势和运行机制分析

    The Supply and Demand Trend of Third Industry and Its Functioning Mechanism

  19. 第三,市场竞争不规范,导致风险偏高。某些银行为了争夺客户,在工作中不按规定操作,结果由于我国个人信用体制的不健全导致了高风险的存在。

    Abnormal competition for market , which will leads to a high risk .

  20. 第三章市场驱动是提升营销能力的内在要求。

    Chapter 3 . Market driving is Internal Demand to Advance Marketing Ability .

  21. 深化体制改革,推进第三产业市场化进程;

    Deepening economic system reform to promote the market orientation of the tertiary industry ;

  22. 为什么要把(排在中国和印度之后的)第三大市场排除在外呢?

    Why would you exclude the third-largest market in the world [ behind China and India ] ?

  23. 可口可乐相信中国,继美国和墨西哥后第三大市场,具有全球最大的潜力。

    Coca-Cola believes China-its third largest market after the United States and Mexico-has the greatest potential globally .

  24. 第三,市场竞争机制是商业银行自发提高经营绩效的硬性制度约束。

    Thirdly , moderate market competition is a hard constraint for commercial banks to automatically improve their operation performance .

  25. 况且,两国企业还可以联手开拓第三方市场。

    In addition , the business communities of our two countries can join hands in developing the third market .

  26. 香港是日本在亚洲的第三大市场,也是日本在区内的第三大投资市场。

    We are your third largest market in Asia and the third-largest destination for Japanese investment in the region .

  27. 西门子和巴斯夫公司也把中国作为全球第三大市场。

    China is also the third largest market for Siemens and BASF . Can we aim for even closer cooperation ?

  28. 第三,市场经济下政府职能转型及向市场购买服务是十分必要的。

    At last , the transitions of government function and purchase service form the market are necessary in the market economics .

  29. 第三,市场退出监管是当前国际上尚未统一的、研究最薄弱的环节,作者将市场退出监管置于监管环节的首位,有利于引起研究者的兴趣与重视。

    Thirdly , supervision of market withdrawal is a part without international agreement and which has been least studied so far .

  30. 第三,市场认为政府是有偿还能力的,因为它们愿意以英国历史上最低的利率借给政府资金。

    Third , markets deem the government solvent , since they are willing to lend to it at the lowest rates in UK history .