
  • 网络first bucket gold;pot of gold;the first pot of gold
  1. 1996年,邱光和带着做家电行业赚来的第一桶金,准备进军服装行业。

    In1996 , Qiu and appliance industry with so earned the first pot of gold , ready to enter the apparel industry .

  2. 你真的有必要挤破脑袋、牺牲赚取第一桶金的时机,只为时常担心以后如何融入上流社会吗?

    Do you really need to break your neck and sacrifice to earn your first pot of gold only to worry constantly about how to blend into high society later ?

  3. Samwer兄弟在1999年觅得了第一桶金,他们在成功成立了一家相似的网上拍卖行Alando后,又回卖给了eBay。

    The Samwers scored their first success in 1999 with Alando , an online auction house which they sold to eBay .

  4. 重庆大学城:谁能淘得第一桶金

    Chongqing University City Who Can Get the First Barrel of Gold

  5. 个人理财:谁来挖第一桶金?

    Personal Bud-Who comes get : to dig the first gold ?

  6. 我就是这样掘到了我的第一桶金。

    That 's how I made my first bucket of gold .

  7. 我得到的第一桶金又回来了。

    The first doiiar I ever stoie is back together .

  8. 阿里巴巴并非他挖到的第一桶金。

    Alibaba is not his first big return .

  9. 经常有人问我第一桶金怎么来的,从哪里得到的,有多少。

    Some people always ask me how did I get my " first barrel of gold ", where and how much ?

  10. 她还清楚地记得自己的“第一桶金”是270块钱,约合40美元。

    And she remembered clearly that her " first bucket of gold " was 270 yuan , around 40 US dollars .

  11. 如果你还没有赚得第一桶金,或许隔壁邻居家的小朋友能够教你两手。

    If you haven 't made your first million yet , the teen next door might actually be able to teach you something .

  12. 其实每次有人问我这个问题时,我都想说,人的第一桶金是自信。

    Every time they ask this question to me , I 'd like to say , the first barrel of gold is " confidence " .

  13. 历史已经证明,在英国农业资本主义发生的时候,掘到第一桶金的是富裕农民。

    The history has proved , when the agriculture capitalism was rising , it was the well-to-do peasant who has gained the first benefit or a Star-up Fund .

  14. 当被问及将如何赚取人生第一桶金时,60%的哈佛毕业生仍期望从父母那里获得资金支持。

    But if this gives a picture of where the new money will be made , 60 % of the new graduates still expect to be depending on money from their parents .

  15. 邱光和的第一桶金不少,也有几千万,但是如果按照他的理想规模,办个车间就要上亿元。

    Qiu and a lot of the first pot of gold , there are tens of millions , but if the scale in accordance with his ideals , we should do a workshop on the billion .

  16. 不法借贷人,尤其是市场经济商业领域的诸多不法商人,企图千方百计从金融机构中非法获取贷款,作为其创业的第一桶金或者解决其经营中的资金问题。

    Unscrupulous lenders , especially many unscrupulous business traders in the field of market economy , will do everything possible to get illegal loans as " pot of gold " or to solve the funding problem appeared in their operations .

  17. 因为领先者地位的意义重大,其意味着行业内的第一桶金,对其他竞争者建立的进入壁垒以及能深入人心的品牌效应。

    Because leading person 's status is of great significance , it means the first barrel money in the trade , set up entry barrier and brand effect that can be rooted in the hearts of the people to other competitors .

  18. 34岁的罗杰·沃在2011年上旬开始在比特币上投资——同年他从这种虚拟货币上赚到了第一桶金。罗杰见证了比特币价格上升的轨迹,从约0.3美元起步、飙升至32美元、最后以2美元收盘。

    The 34-year-old Roger Ver began investing in bitcoins in early 2011 - and made his first million from the virtual currency that same year - which saw prices skyrocket from around $ 0.30 to $ 32 before settling at $ 2 .

  19. 当他从废品店老板手里接过在这座城市掘到的“第一桶金”时,青年的眼眶潮湿了,他听到心中的呐喊:“生存没有绝境,就看你肯不肯去做。”

    When he took over the first sum of money from the rubbish owner in this city , he felt wet in tears and cried in heart : " life is free from desperation . It is up to whether you have the courage to do it or not . "