
  • 网络The Second Military Medical University;SMMU
  1. 第二军医大学1998-2007年发表的生物医学英文论文统计分析

    Statistical analysis of English biomedical papers published by the Second Military Medical University in 1998-2007

  2. 材料为Wistar健康成年大鼠,体质量240~340g,雌雄各半,由第二军医大学实验动物中心提供。

    Materials : Healthy adult Wistar rats with body mass of 240-340 g , half males and half females , provided by the Experimental Animal Center of Second Military Medical University of Chinese PLA .

  3. 第二军医大学长海医院2003年度229例药品不良反应报告分析

    Analysis of 229 adverse drug reaction reports presented by Changhai Hospital in 2003

  4. 第二军医大学长海医院特需诊疗科;

    Department of Respiratory Medicine , Changhai Hospital of Second Military Medical University .

  5. 《第二军医大学学报》2006年第27卷总目次

    Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University Volume 27 Number 1-12,2006 Contents in Brief

  6. 第二军医大学医学博士研究生医学统计学教学需求调查分析医学院学生、医学院

    Research on demand of doctor graduate students about medical statistics teaching a medical student , school

  7. 孕龄为20~24周、因创伤等原因流产的胎儿背部皮肤,孕妇身体健康,由第二军医大学长征医院妇产科提供。

    The pregnant women were healthy who aborted because of wound , etc. during a pregnant period of 20-24 weeks .

  8. 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院2006-2007年住院患者抗微生物药物应用分析

    Analysis of utilizing antimicrobial drugs in inpatients of Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital , Second Military Medical University , during 2006-2007

  9. 通过几年努力的学习,她留在了上海第二军医大学第二附属医院。

    After a few years of efforts to study , she stayed in the Shanghai Second Military Medical University2nd Affiliated Hospital .

  10. 曹雪涛院士,肿瘤生物治疗专业委员会-第二军医大学,题目:肿瘤免疫治疗的现状与发展趋势。

    Academician Cao Xuetao , Specialty Committee of Biotherapy of Tumor-the Second Army Medical College , Topic : The Present Condition and Developing Tendency in Immunotherapy Tumor .

  11. 设计前瞻性病例观察实验,对第二军医大学长海医院烧伤科于2005.1.1-2006.12.31期间收治的儿童烫伤患者进行病例分析。

    A prospective case series observation was performed during 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2006 at the department of burn , Changhai Hospital , Shanghai , China .

  12. 第二军医大学基础部在坚持以教学为中心、教学改革为核心这一关键问题上,始终把握教学规律,坚持定期分析教学工作形势,研究教学改革方案,不断加强基础医学教学全面建设。

    The university sticks to the principle of making teaching as the center and teaching reform as the core by holding on teaching principals , insisting on regular analysis of situations , researching plans for teaching reform and strengthening the overall construction of teaching of preclinical medical sciences .