
  • 网络Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University;FAFU;fjau.edu.cn
  1. 采用SCL-90症状自评量表,对福建农林大学2000级散打选项班的学生进行心理健康水平与特征的调查。

    By using the symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ), mental health of the students in the sanda training course , enrolled at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in 2000 was investigated .

  2. 福建农林大学物理实验课程中存在的问题及改革探索

    Problems in Existence and Reforms Exploration on Physics Experimentation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

  3. 福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)第9卷总目次

    JOURNAL OF FUJIAN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ( Philosophy and Social Sciences ) General Contents of Vol.9

  4. 高校公共选修课质量管理问题探讨&基于福建农林大学公选课教学的调查

    Improvement of public optional courses at colleges and universities & An investigation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

  5. 对大学生进行绿色教育的探索与实践&以福建农林大学为例

    Exploration and practice of college students ′ green education & Taking Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University as a case

  6. 土壤中施福建农林大学硕士论文20()3·5入钾肥、钙肥或镁肥,均显著提高烟叶的钾、钙、镁含量。

    Soil exchangeable potassium , calcium and magnesium content increased greatly after potassium , calcium or magnesium fertilizer was applied .

  7. 对于这次培训的圆满成功,我谨向福建农林大学,尤其是菌草研究所表示衷心的祝贺。

    I heartedly congratulate this university and especially this institute on organizing and conducting this international training very effectively and successfully .

  8. 本文从福建农林大学驱动式圆盘犁课题组已测定的试验结果出发,建立了尾轮侧向力的动态数学模型。

    In this paper , dynamic model of the side force of tail wheel has been developed based on the experimental data .

  9. 总结十五以来福建农林大学学科建设的成绩和经验,分析学科建设存在的问题,结合实际,提出十一五期间学科建设的目标和加快学科建设的具体措施。

    Achievements and experiences of disciplines construction at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University since the period of the Tenth Five-year Plan are summarized .

  10. 重点建设项目管理实践的分析与思考以福建农林大学合并扩建重点项目为例将高校合并研究引向深入高校合并研究综述及相关问题的探讨

    Administration of the key projects of construction & Taking the key extension projects for amalgamation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University as a case Deepening the Studies of University Amalgamation

  11. 借鉴国内外应用语言学研究方法,通过问卷调查,我们对福建农林大学192名非英语专业大学一年级学生的英语阅读策略使用情况进行实证性研究,分析他们的阅读理解成绩与阅读策略使用的关系。

    With the help of questionaire , we explore the relationship between 192 non-English major freshmen 's reading performances and their choices of reading strategies in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University .

  12. 浅析金融学专业毕业实习工作中存在的问题及对策&以福建农林大学金融学专业为例

    On the Problems That Exist in the Graduation Internship of the Speciality of Finance and Their Countermeasures & Taking the Speciality of Finance of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University as an example

  13. 《农牧区乡镇中学物理教师实验技能强化训练》课题研究进展报告福建农林大学物理实验课程中存在的问题及改革探索

    Research Progress in Intensive Training in Experimental Skill for Middle School Teachers in Agricultural and Pastoral Area ; Problems in Existence and Reforms Exploration on Physics Experimentation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

  14. 高校图书馆馆藏图书借阅率调查分析&关于福建农林大学新书借阅调查

    The Research on the Collecting-Circulating-Reading-Consulting Integrated Management Model in University Library Investigation Analysis of the Book Borrow Rate of the University Library Collection & On the Investigation of New Book Borrow in the Fujian Agricultural University

  15. 介绍了福建农林大学林科类本科专业概况,通过设计调查问卷和实例调查,对福建农林大学林科类本科学生生源状况和就业状况进行了统计。

    An introduction to forestry discipline in the undergraduate level in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ( FAFU ) . A statistics of student-enrollment and graduate employment situation is carried out through a questionnaire and case studies .

  16. 分析了福建农林大学教师队伍现状及存在的问题,提出了加强教师队伍建设的若干对策:(1)严把教师入口关;

    The current status of the faculty at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University is analyzed , and several countermeasures to strengthen the faculty construction are proposed as follows : ( 1 ) be strict in the recruitment of teachers ;

  17. 根据对近年野外采集的蜻蜓标本和福建农林大学昆虫标本室收藏的蜻蜓标本鉴定及文献记载,目前共发现福州地区蜻蜓目14科、68属、112种。

    According to literature records and the identification of specimens collected in Fuzhou recently and specimens in the insect museum in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University , 112 species ( subspecies ) of Fuzhou Odonata , which belonged to 68 genera in 14 families , were recorded .

  18. 通过对锥栗主产区福建省建瓯市以及福建农林大学南平校区锥栗试验林中35个品种的研究,并参考了板栗的评价系统,初步建立了适合中国南方特点的锥栗品种资源性状描述与评价系统。

    By studied 35 cultivars in Fujian province and consulted evaluation system of Castanea mollissima Bl. , the author established a preliminarily system of character description and evaluation of Castanea henryi Rehd & Wils .

  19. 本论文综合应用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法。以福建师范大学、福州大学、福建医科大学、福建农林大学的共960名学生为研究对象。

    By the ways of literature , interview , questionnaire , statistics and logical analysis , 960 students were studied in Fujian Normal University , Fuzhou University , Fujian Medical University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University .