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  • welfare capitalism
  1. 20世纪20年代美国企业福利资本主义运动评析

    On Welfare Capitalism Movement in US in 1920s

  2. 挪威的经济是福利资本主义繁荣的基础,以自由市场贸易和政府干预相结合为特点。

    The Norwegian economy is a prosperous bastion of welfare capitalism , featuring a combination of free market activity and government intervention .

  3. 欧元的未来取决于自由与市场的回归欧洲,取决于欧盟的制度完善与欧式福利资本主义改革的成功与否。

    Euro 's future depends on the freedom and market return to Europe ; it also depends on the EU 's improvement of institution and reform of the welfare systems .

  4. 福利国家制度是资本主义发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The welfare state system is the product of capitalism at a certain developmental stage .

  5. 福利国家是当代资本主义社会的重要特征,福利理论既是社会理论研究的古典议题,又属于社会科学研究的前沿领域。

    Welfare State is an important character of contemporary capitalist society , while welfare theory is a classical topic of social theory studies and a hot area of social science studies .

  6. 第三,福利国家作为当代资本主义的重要特征,以政府的积极作为为前提的福利制度是解决西方社会阶级冲突的形式和制度整合。

    Third , " welfare country " is a prominent feature of the contemporary capitalism , the system of which with the precondition of active governmental performance is an integration of the forms and systems that could solve the conflicts among classes in western society .