
ɡuó jiā lì yì
  • National interests;state interests
  1. 美国对耶路撒冷政策与美国国家利益密切相关。

    The American policy on Jerusalem is related to the state interests .

  2. 在传统和非传统安全领域的合作是两国改善关系的国家利益需求;

    Cooperation in traditional and non-traditional security is the requirement of state interests ;

  3. 即使国家利益不尽相同,他们也可以化敌为友。

    Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord .

  4. 个人利益同国家利益不可分割地联系在一起。

    The interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country .

  5. 用WTO规则实现国家利益最大化

    Make the best profit for our country by using the principle of WTO

  6. WTO与国家利益原则

    WTO and the principle of national benefit

  7. 各国的对外贸易政策无不遵循“国家利益原则”,WTO规则的运行也是建立在正视国家利益的客观性差别的基础上的。

    Foreign trade policy of all countries follows the principle of national benefit . The implementation of WTO rules is established on the basis of objective difference of national benefit .

  8. 作为第三代移动通信标准的TD-SCDMA技术,向具有自主知识产权的数字集群系统拓展,不仅推动我国数字集群技术的发展,而且完全符合国家利益的发展战略。

    As the third generation standard of mobile communication , TD-SCDMA is expanding to the digital trunking system with independent intellectual property right which not only promotes the technology development , but also meets the national development strategy .

  9. 在MH17事件后,我们必须将共同的安全置于国家利益之上。

    After MH17 , we must choose collective security over national interest .

  10. 国家利益包括国家的安全利益、经济利益和政治利益。

    National interests include security interests , economic interests and political interests .

  11. 全球化时代国家利益的定位与维护

    National Interests in Times of Globalization : Position and Maintenance

  12. 这是反对从狭义上解释国家利益的一个论点。

    That was an argument against the narrow construing of national interests .

  13. 开展全方位大国外交,全面维护国家利益。

    General corrosion develop omnidirectional diplomacy and maintenance national benefit .

  14. 这种相对利益会损害日方的国家利益。

    This relative interests can damage the Japanese national interest .

  15. 从国家利益看文化产业的管制

    How we Think about the Regulation to Cultural Industry from National Interests

  16. 论技术与国家利益及其关系

    Research on Technology & National Interest and Their Relationships

  17. 很好地把国家利益、集体利益和农民个人利益结合起来;

    Nicely put personal interests together with the national interests , collective interests ;

  18. 为伊拉克而得罪美国,不符合他们的国家利益啊。

    Offending United States because of Irq is not in their national interests .

  19. 环境(生态)安全的国家利益理论;

    National interests in environmental / ecological security ;

  20. 国家利益与我国的对外战略

    National Interest and Diplomatic Strategies of Our Country

  21. 战略同盟关系依然是美日追求最高国家利益的基本诉求。

    Strategic alliance relation is still a fundamental claim of their highest national benefits .

  22. 如何更好地保护国家利益、社会公共利益,成了我们面前急需解决的一个问题。

    How to protect the national and public interests has been an urgent issue .

  23. 马克思和恩格斯的国家利益思想&献给小平同志诞辰100周年

    Marx and Engel 's Thought on National Interests

  24. 试论国际制度下的国家利益

    On the State Benefit within the International System

  25. 究竟什么是国家利益?

    Actually , what is national interest ?

  26. 英国:对外援助与国家利益

    Britain : Foreign Aid and National Interests

  27. 国家利益、意识形态与对外政策

    National Interest , Ideology and Foreign Policy

  28. 这种趋向并不必然地与我国的国家利益相冲突。

    This trend of development is not necessarily contradictory to the national interest of China .

  29. 我国一直深受反倾销之害,限制反倾销措施的使用符合我国的国家利益。

    To limit the usage of the antidumping law meets the national interests of china .

  30. 他将追求国家利益、地区和全球影响力、保护主义和重商主义。

    He will pursue the national interest , regional and global power , protectionism and mercantilism .