
  • 网络STATE GRID CORPORATION OF CHINA;sgcc;state grid corp;NGC
  1. 中国国家电网公司(StateGridCorp.ofChina)说,在全国范围内建设一个超高压输电线路网络能够在长距离输电时降低功率损耗。

    State Grid Corp. of China says building a nationwide network of ultrahigh-voltage transmission lines will reduce power losses when transporting electricity over long distances .

  2. 中国国家电网公司(StateGrid)正在购买拥有巴西输配电线路的多家公司的股份,这笔交易总价达17亿美元,为中巴两国第二大跨境交易。

    State Grid of China is in the process of buying stakes in companies that own transmission lines in Brazil in the second-biggest cross-border deal , totaling $ 1.7 billion .

  3. 国家电网公司(StateGrid)董事长刘振亚向记者表示,新疆能够以德国目前电力成本的一半向该国输送风力和热力所生产的电力。

    Liu Zhenya , chairman of State Grid , told reporters that wind and thermal power produced in Xinjiang could reach Germany at half the current cost of electricity there .

  4. 上述数据似乎还令中国国家电网公司(StateGridCorp)感到惊讶。该公司控制着中国80%的电力传输,在这类问题上通常是权威。

    The figure appears also to have surprised the State Grid Corp , which controls 80 per cent of China 's power transmission and is generally the authority on such issues .

  5. 英国国家电网公司的业务分析经理克雷格•罗拉森(CraigRollason)表示,他通过指导一位TeachFirste人提高了自己的指导技巧。

    Craig Rollason , business analysis manager at National Grid , says he has improved his coaching skills by mentoring a Teach Firster .

  6. 基于供应链集成的国家电网公司VMI应用研究

    Study On the Application of the VMI in the State Grid Corp. Based on the Theory of the Supply Chain Integration

  7. 国家电网公司110~500kV变电站高压断路器二次回路典型设计及应用

    The typical design and application of secondary circuit for high voltage breaker in 110 ~ 500kV substation in SGCC

  8. 文章介绍了2006年底国家电网公司生产部组织部分省市公司有关人员对加拿大HydroOne有限公司和新加坡新能源电网公司的城网装备技术标准和管理规范进行考察的情况。

    The paper introduced the technical standard and management specification of urban power network equipment in Singapore and Canada , which was based on investigation tour organized by Production Department of SGCC to go to Hydro One Co. in Canada and the Singapore new energy power grid Co.

  9. 通过HHI法,笔者确定平高集团在GIS市场具有支配地位,而国家电网公司在三类产品的相关市场上均具有支配地位。(三)确定合并后实体封锁市场的意愿。

    HHI method by the author to determine high level group dominant in the GIS market , while the State Grid Corporation in the three categories of products are dominant on the relevant market . ( C ) identify the merged entity will blockade the market .

  10. 320和H.323两种标准进行比较,并通过这种比较,对国家电网公司高清晰视频会议系统的建设方案提出一点建议。

    In this paper , the author analyzes and compares the video coding and decoding standards of H.264 and MPEG-2 and system standards of H.320 and H.323.He also gives some suggestions on the construction schemes of high-definition video-conference systems of State Grid Corporation of China .

  11. 2007年国家电网公司在向社会公开承诺的八项服务中,提出积极奉献清洁能源,明确提出将向社会输送10.6亿KWh绿色电力。

    The State Grid promised 8 services to the public in year 2007 , one of which is to generate clean power , or more specifically , to provide 1.06 billion KWh " green power " to the public society .

  12. 比如,麦肯锡(McKinsey&Co.,Inc.)北京分公司的管理人士柯明逸(AxelKrieger)就指出,国家电网公司(StateGridCorporationofChina)通过推进构建覆盖全国的智能充换电服务网络,希望藉此控制电池市场。

    For example , State Grid Corp , the near-monopoly grid operator , has been pushing to own the battery market by promoting a national battery swapping system for car owners , says Axel Krieger , a principal in the Beijing office of McKinsey & Co. That arrangement would give it a large part of the industrial value chain ,

  13. PMS(电力生产管理系统)是国家电网公司推广的SG186信息化工程的一部分,是本人实习单位承包的山东电力集团公司的一个重大工程项目。

    PMS ( power production management system ) is the part of the " SG186 " information project the State Grid Corporation works to promote . And PMS is a major engineering projects of Shandong Electric Power Group with which my internships contracted .

  14. 根据国家电网公司提出的规划,“SG186”工程将实现的目标之一:建成纵向贯通,横向集成的一体化企业级信息集成平台,实现公司上下信息畅通和数据共享。

    According to the scheme of State Grid , one of the goals of project " SG186 " is to establish an overall corporate information integration platform of " flowing vertically and integrating horizontally ", and to realize the information flow and data sharing of corporations .

  15. 国家电网公司750kV输变电示范工程是我国第1个750kV电压等级的超高压输变电工程,也是国内电压等级最高、世界上相同电压等级海拔最高的输变电工程。

    The 750 kV transmission pilot project in SG Corp. of China is the first 750 kV EHV power transmission and transformation project in China , and is also with the highest domestic voltage grade , and the highest voltage grade at the same high altitude on the world .

  16. 国家电网公司集中监造管理体系构建研究

    Study on Management System of the Centralized Manufacturing Supervision of SGCC

  17. 国家电网公司的内外部运营和管理环境发生了巨大变化。

    National Electric Network Company also faces exterior and interior changes .

  18. 国家电网公司2004年生产经营情况

    Producing and operating status of State Grid Corporation in 2004

  19. 国家电网公司奥运营销中的风险管理研究

    Risk Management Study on Olympic Marketing of State Grid Corporation

  20. 国家电网公司营销工作会议部署全年工作建立需求侧管理长效机制作为8方面重点工作之一

    Annual work disposed on State Grid Corporation marketing work meeting

  21. 国家电网公司2006年营销工作重点

    Major marketing works of State Grid Corporation in 2006

  22. 国家电网公司数据网扩容改造的必要性分析

    Necessity analysis of data communication network upgrading in SGCC

  23. 国家电网公司内部审计问题研究

    The Study on Internal Audit of National Electricity Company

  24. 国家电网公司变电站设计导则的贯彻应用

    Carrying out and Applying of the Substation Design Guide Established by State Grid Company

  25. 众人拾柴火焰高&国家电网公司电力需求侧管理研讨会侧记

    Everybody Work Hard and Work Successes & State Power Grid Company DSM Symposium Sidelights

  26. 2009开始,国家电网公司开始推行资产全寿命周期管理。

    In 2009 , State Grid Corporation launched the management of asset life cycle .

  27. 4月,国家电网公司给予12名其他干部党纪处分,主要原因是违反党规。

    The company itself punished 12 other leaders in April for breaking party rules .

  28. 国家电网公司光缆实验室

    Optical Cable Laboratory of State Grid Corporation

  29. 统计分析了2005年度国家电网公司12~800kV高压开关设备的运行情况。

    The operation situation of 12 ~ 800 kV switchgear in 2005 is analyzed statistically .

  30. 全国政协常委、国家电网公司董事长刘振亚

    Liu Zhenya , CPPCC National Committee member and chairman of State Grid Corporation of China