
  • 网络kepco;Korea Electric Power;Korea Electric Power Corporation
  1. 韩国电力公司(KEPCO)的战略转变及对我国电网企业的启示

    Strategic Transformation of KEPCO and the Advices Gived to our Grid Companies

  2. 例如,国有的韩国电力公司(KoreaElectricPowerCorp)牵头的一家财团击败了来自美国、法国与日本的对手,赢得阿联酋一笔价值200亿美元的核能合约。

    A consortium led by state-run Korea Electric Power Corp , for example , beat US , French and Japanese rivals to a $ 20bn nuclear power contract in the United Arab Emirates .

  3. 同样是在周二,国家电网与韩国电力公司和日本软银(SoftBank)签署了推动东北亚互联电网发展的合作备忘录。

    Also on Tuesday , State Grid signed an MOU with Korea 's power utility and SoftBank of Japan to promote an interconnected grid in north-east Asia .