
  • 网络EDF;Electricite De France
  1. 如今,制定了明确计划、打算2020年前在英国兴建核反应堆的能源集团只剩下法国电力集团(EDF)一家。

    It left EDF of France as the only energy group with firm plans to build a reactor in the UK before 2020 .

  2. 由于运营方法国电力集团(EDF)和潜在的中国投资者的角力,位于英格兰西南部的造价245亿英镑的欣克利角(HinkleyPoint)核电站扩建项目的投资被搁置。

    Investment in the £ 24.5bn Hinkley point nuclear expansion project in southwest England , run by France 's EDF , has been held up because of wrangling between the energy group and potential Chinese investors .

  3. 总统还任命一友人经营国家控股的能源集团法国电力集团(EDF),这又是裙带关系的一个表现,此人还贪得无厌地想要让自己的职位与薪水都和前任持平。

    It looked like nepotism , too , when the president appointed a friend to run EDF , a state-controlled energy group , and greed when the friend sought to keep a job and salary with his former employer .

  4. 为此,法国电力公司与阿海珐集团的两位总裁这次也将随菲永访华。

    To this end , presidents of Electricite de France and the French power company Areva Group will also visit with Francois Fillon .