
  • 网络Meiling;Meling;MeiLling
  1. 最后是对美菱公司的销售物流网络的重新规划。

    Finally Meiling company 's sales logistics network re-planning is shown .

  2. 美菱冰箱动态测试系统的关键技术研究

    Research on Key Problems of Meiling Refrigerator 's Dynamic Testing System

  3. 合肥美菱公司在云南市场开发案例

    Case : Yunnan Local Market Development of Hefei Meiling Corporation

  4. 如何运用营销策略去开拓国际市场,是当前美菱面临的一个重要课题。

    How to develop international market is an important task for Meiling .

  5. 美菱股份有限公司物流外包问题研究

    Studies on Logistics Outsourcing Related Questions in Meiling

  6. 面对这种情况,美菱进行了营销变革,其中首当其冲的是营销渠道的变革。

    Under this circumstance , Meiling carried out some marketing change , including channel change .

  7. 基于内部控制理论的合肥美菱股份有限公司成本管理研究

    Research on Cost Management of Hefei Meiling Co. , Ltd. Based on Internal Control Theory

  8. 因此研究美菱冰箱的产品策略具有重要意义。

    So it has an important significance to research the adjustment of product strategies of MeiLing refrigerator .

  9. 这种不合理的资本结构在一定程度上制约了美菱公司的迅速发展。

    This kind of unreasonable capital structure restricted of the quick development of MeiLing company to some extent .

  10. 面对国内众多的竞争对手,加上国外著名跨国公司加入,美菱公司处在竞争激烈的行业中。

    Confronted with many competitors in domestic market and entering of famous Multinational Corporation , Meiling is in an intensive competition industry .

  11. 在以上分析的基础上,本文对美菱的营销渠道进行了分析,侧重于美菱的营销渠道变革。

    Based on these analysis mentioned above , the author analyzed the marketing channel of Meiling Group , emphasizing on its channel change .

  12. 美菱集团是冰箱行业四大家族之一,十几年来一直保持前三位的市场占有率。

    Meiling group is among the Big four in refrigerator industry , and it has kept its market share among Top 3 for more than ten years .

  13. 面对现状,澳柯玛想重振冰柜产业优势,与国内品牌海尔、海信、美菱等进行竞争。

    Facing on the current situation , AUCMA wanted to revive its freezer advantages in order to compete with the domestic brand Haier , Hisense , Meiling .

  14. 本文在对合肥美菱股份公司资本结构的研究中发现,其资本结构的不尽合理,融资渠道单一、负债率较高。

    This text discovers in the research of MeiLing joint-stock company capital structure , the unreasonable capital structure , the margin outlet one , the higher debt ratio .

  15. 在上述分析的基础上,从产品、价格、渠道、以及促销四个方面探讨美菱公司的国际市场营销策略。

    Based on the above analysis , this article will discuss the international marketing strategies in the fields of product strategy , pricing strategy , promotion strategy and channel strategy .

  16. 美菱产品定位中低端市场,近年来出现主销产品利润率低、销量增长慢等问题。

    The product position of MeiLing is middle-low market . In the resent few years the sales of main product remain the low profit margin and the sale increases slow . These problems confuse the company .

  17. 最后,本文将供应商评价体系和供应商管理理论,应用于美菱股份的供应商选择和管理实践,同时提出美菱股份供应商管理的策略和实施建议。

    Finally , this paper applies the theories of the supplier evalution and management to the practice of Meiling Corporation Ltd. , at the same time , proposes the supplier management strategies and the implementation suggestions .

  18. 在此基础上,本文运用内部控制基本方法,结合战略成本管理理念,构建了合肥美菱股份有限公司战略成本管理的框架。

    Basing on this , this paper , using basic methods of internal control and combining with the concept of strategic cost management , constructs the framework of strategic cost management for Hefei Meiling Co. , Ltd. .

  19. 美菱公司在产品方面必须要树立产品成分分析的概念,努力提高产品质量,根据客户不断开发新产品。

    As to the product strategy , the concept of product composition analysis should be set up , the quality of product should be improved and new products should be developed according to the needs of customers .

  20. 本文可以为美菱修改和完善物流发展战略提供依据和参考,对其他家电企业审视和改进自身的物流方式和物流发展战略也具有一定的参考意义。

    It provides a basis and reference for modifying and improving the logistics development strategy in Meiling . It also has reference values for examining and improving their own logistics ways and development strategy for the other household electrical appliance enterprises .

  21. 美菱与长虹战略重组后,发展迅速,目前冰箱生产能力和市场占有率均跃居国内第二位,其物流外包策略也相对务实和谨慎,具有自己的特点。

    Meiling has developed rapidly after its strategic restructuring with Changhong . Its current production capacity and market share in refrigerator industry reaches top two in China . Its logistics outsourcing strategy is relatively pragmatic and cautious , which has its own characteristics .