
  • 网络american express;AXP;American Express Company;AMEX
  1. 他在美国运通公司办公大楼外经营一家报摊。

    He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office

  2. 长久以来,这些银行一直在与美国运通公司的信用卡以及各式各样的商场赊购卡竞争。

    The banks have long competed with American Express 's charge cards and various store cards

  3. 腾出的地方如今是美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)旗下的一处风险投资办公室和一个创业孵化器。

    The space is now an American Express venture capital office and a startup incubator .

  4. 2011年,维斯兰在美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)的比赛中获胜,并在一个商业广告中作为小企业代表出现。

    In 2011 , she won an American Express competition to represent small businesses in a commercial .

  5. 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)正在使用一个游戏化平台作为自己商务旅行服务的补充。

    American Express AXP 2.27 % , meanwhile , is creating a platform that complements its business travel services .

  6. 苹果正在与Visa、美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)和万事达等主要信用卡公司合作,将所谓的标记化系统整合进ApplePay。

    Apple is working with major credit card companies like Visa , American Express and MasterCard to integrate a so-called tokenization system into Apple Pay .

  7. 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)CEO谢诺(KennethI.Chenault):1740万美元,主要是现金红利和股票。

    Kenneth I. Chenault , American Express CEO , $ 17.4 million largely in cash bonus and equity payments .

  8. 美国运通公司(Amex)和沃尔玛(Walmart)周二表示,他们共同推出的蓝鸟(Bluebird)金融服务,如今已有联邦存款保险。

    American Express and Walmart said on Tuesday that their Bluebird venture for financial services now has federal deposit insurance .

  9. 例如,长期以来一直担忧全球地产价格上涨难以维系的经济学家、美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)的祈文礼(JohnCalverley)就认为,住宅市场与宏观经济之间没有明显联系。

    John Calverley of American Express , for example , an economist who has had a long-held concern about unsustainable rises in world property prices , cannot see obvious links between the housing market and the wider economy .

  10. 他是用美国运通公司的信用卡付帐的。

    He paid by Amex or with his AMEX card .

  11. 可以记在美国运通公司信用卡上吗?

    Can I charge that to my American Express card ?

  12. 美国运通公司发行的第一信用卡于1958年。

    American Express issued their first credit card in1958 .

  13. 该教育展的主要赞助商是美国运通公司和中国光大银行。

    The main sponsors for the exhibitions are China Everbright Bank and American Express .

  14. 这张是美国运通公司黑卡。

    This is a black American Express card .

  15. 那是他经过新德里时到美国运通公司驻当地办事处取邮件的时候

    getting mail at the American Express office in New Delhi when he passed through ,

  16. 美国运通公司的运通信用卡业务的利润占其公司全部利润的70%。

    The express card service of American Express Corporation accounts for 70 % of the whole company .

  17. 维斯兰指出,这种宣传非常有益,此后她仍与美国运通公司保持合作关系。

    The exposure was extremely helpful , visram has said , and she continued to work with American Express after the initial spot .

  18. 美国运通公司通过它最新的消费和储蓄追踪系统对美国各地2000名成人进行了调查,以此估测在丘比特的大日子里,消费者会在何种物品上消费多少钱。

    In its latest spending and savings tracker American Express questioned 2000 adults across the United States to gauge how much and on what consumers will be spending their money on Cupid 's big day .

  19. 美国运通公司将采取新办法以减少损失,他们向信用卡持有者支付费用以关闭其帐户,该公司向一定的信用卡顾客支付300美元以偿清其余额,并关闭其帐户。

    Listen to this , American Express is coming up with a new way of cutting its losses . They are now paying cardholders to close their accounts . The company is offering 300 dollars to certain credit card customers to pay off their balances and close the account .

  20. 美国运通印度分公司有一项活动,名为“了解你的薪酬”,旨在向员工公布薪水范围及变动的细节。

    American Express India shares details of salary ranges and their histories .

  21. 因此,目前大约有250家美国公司允许雇员在家里上班,有30家公司,其中包括美国运通公司和麦克唐纳公司,正迫不及待地要扩大它们的远距离工作队伍。

    Textile companies announced 2000 fresh layoffs last week . Thus approximately 250 US companies now allow employees to work from home and 30 , including American Express and McDonald 's , are eager to expand their telecommuter forces .