
  • 网络Inter-American Development Bank;idb;Inter-American Development Bank -- IDB;IADB;BID
  1. 去年春季在巴西贝洛奥里藏特召开的美洲开发银行(inter-americandevelopmentbank)会议期间,我也讲过同样的话。

    I said as much last spring during the Inter-American Development Bank meetings in Belo Horizonte , Brazil .

  2. 10月,中国还以捐赠国身份加入美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank),并在金融开发项目上投资了3.5亿美元。

    China also last month joined the Inter-American Development Bank as a donor member , with $ 350m investment in financial development projects .

  3. 作为美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank)的新成员,中国可以将其在大宗商品生产领域的利益,与基础设施投资和环境保护联系起来。

    As a new member of the Inter-American Development Bank , China can combine its interest in commodity production with infrastructure investments and environmental protections .

  4. 1月5日,中国正式获得拉美发展机构&美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank)的象征性股权。没有美国的默许,中国不可能实现这一目标。

    On Monday , China formally takes a symbolic stake in the Inter-American Development Bank , the region 's development institution , a step it could not take without US acquiescence .

  5. 尽管亚行行长拥有这种否决权,但世界银行(worldbank)、国际货币基金组织(imf)和美洲开发银行(inter-americandevelopmentbank)等多边机构均致信亚行,强调独立监督的重要性。

    While the president has the right to such a veto , institutions including the world bank , the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank have written to the ADB to underline the importance of independent oversight .

  6. 美洲开发银行(inter-americandevelopmentbank)上月进行的一项调查发现,佐治亚州、路易斯安那州和其它很多州的非法移民所面临的法律限制,导致许多移民减少了汇回本国的金额。

    A survey by the Inter-American Development Bank this month found that legal restrictions faced by illegal immigrants in Georgia , Louisiana and a number of other states were leading many migrants to cut the amount they were sending back .

  7. 国际金融研究所(instituteforinternationalfinance)数据表明,以2010年为例,流入拉美的私人资本总额超过2800亿美元,差不多是世行和美洲开发银行当年合计贷款额的10倍。

    In 2010 , for example , total private capital inflows to Latin America topped $ 280bn , according to the Institute for international finance . This was nearly 10 times the combined amount that the world bank and the IDB loaned that year .

  8. 美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank,IDB)行长路易斯阿尔伯托莫雷诺(LuisAlbertoMoreno)估计,中国为拉美基建项目提供了320亿美元贷款,其中多数资金来自于国开行。

    Luis Alberto Moreno , president of the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) estimates that the Chinese have provided $ 32bn for infrastructure projects in Latin America with most of that money from CDB .

  9. ifad和美洲开发银行的研究人员不仅使用了各个央行记录的正式数据,而且进行了民意调查、家庭支出和学术研究调查等,采用了各个商业银行和汇款机构的正式记录。

    As well as using the official numbers recorded by central banks , researchers from IFAD and IDB drew on opinion polls , surveys of household spending and academic research , and on official records from banks and money transfer operators .

  10. 与此同时,总部位于华盛顿的美洲开发银行(IDB)批准了对一个风险投资基金的500万美元股权投资。该基金由墨西哥政府资助,为墨西哥中小企业提供种子资本和战略咨询。

    Separately , but at the same time , the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) approved a $ 5m equity investment in a Mexican government sponsored venture capital fund that will provide seed capital and strategic advice to small - and medium-size Mexican companies .

  11. 其他合作伙伴包括美洲开发银行和安第斯开发银行。

    Other partners include the Inter-American Development Bank and the Andean Development Bank .

  12. 美洲开发银行股票筹资方案

    Equity Financing Programme of the Inter-American Development Bank

  13. 我们发起在处理美洲开发银行相关的事务上实现机构间合作与沟通机制。

    We initiated an interagency co-operation and liaison mechanism for affairs related to the Inter-American Development Bank .

  14. 玻利维亚前总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯拒绝提名美国官员担任美洲开发银行行长。

    Former Bolivian President Evo Morales has rejected the nomination of a U.S. official to the Inter-American Development Bank .

  15. 例如2008-09年金融危机期间,随着私人市场的停摆,世行与美洲开发银行大幅增加了放贷额。

    During the 2008-9 global financial crisis , for example , the World Bank and IADB ramped up disbursements as private markets shut down .

  16. 目前,美洲开发银行和中国进出口银行已直接向拉美提供贷款和信用担保,新基金的股权投资将对此构成补充。

    Equity provided by the fund will complement loans and credit guarantees that the IDB and China Eximbank already provide directly in the region .

  17. 美洲开发银行估计,拉美国家今年收到的移民汇款总额将比两年前多5亿美元。

    But the bank estimates that total remittances to the region this year will be about $ 500 million more than they were two years ago .

  18. 美洲开发银行、社会进步信托基金和国际开发署等是美国执行争取进步联盟计划的双边机构。

    Planning Skill Inter-American Development Bank , Social Progress Trust Fund and Agency for International Development were bilateral mechanisms to carry out the Alliance for Progress .

  19. 美洲开发银行之前的报告曾引用土耳其、墨西哥和埃及的情况为例,证明汇款帮助了移民兴办企业和修建住所。

    Earlier papers by the same bank cite evidence from Turkey , Mexico and Egypt showing that remittances help migrants build up businesses and build homes .

  20. 美洲开发银行表示,双方将各向该基金投入1.5亿美元,目前都在选择资产管理公司,负责管理投资和从市场筹集资金。

    Each side will put in $ 150m and the two banks are currently selecting asset management firms to manage the investments and raise funds from the markets , the IDB says .

  21. 美洲开发银行2006年的一份研究显示,高达三分之一的移民正在将汇款用来投资,而在两年前的类似调查中,这个比例只有5%左右。

    A 2006 study by the Inter-American Development Bank indicated that up to a third of migrants are investing money compared to only about 5 per cent in a similar survey conducted two years ago .

  22. 莫雷诺表示,美洲开发银行希望在推动与中国之间的合作、贸易与开发中发挥关键作用,新基金便提供了一条切实的途径。2009年,中国成为了这家拉美银行的会员国。

    He says the fund is a concrete way for the IDB to play a pivotal role in boosting co-operation , trade and development with China , which became a member of the Latin American lender in 2009 .

  23. 美洲开发银行报告说,在其他很多拉美国家,情况跟墨西哥差不多。根据美洲开发银行的报告,在美国打工的1千9百万拉美移民中,现在只有一半定期给家里汇款;而在两年前,这个比例超过70%。

    The situation is similar in many other Latin American nations , according to the Inter-American Development Bank , which released a report Wednesday showing that only half of the nearly 19 million Latin American immigrants in the United States send money home on a regular basis , compared to well over 70 percent two years ago .

  24. 说,中国的发展为拉丁美洲及加勒比海地区提供了重要的机会,美洲开发银行愿意加深与中国的合作以促进相互的发展。

    Moreno said China 's development offers an important opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean region , and the IDB would like to deepen its cooperation with China to promote mutual development .