- 名European Investment Bank

A solidarity fund for stabilisation could , together with the European investment bank , make needed investments in the countries in trouble .
The CDC would bring in private sector companies , but would be backed by the European Investment Bank , the EU 's funding arm .
Other institutions of the rich world that have decided to limit support for fossil fuel energy projects include the World Bank and the European Investment Bank .
About $ 500m to $ 800m of the financing for the deal will come from the European Investment Bank , to be guaranteed by the governments of Sweden and Belgium , where Volvo has production plants .
This should be co-ordinated with existing structural funds and loan programmes operated by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank , greatly boosting their combined firepower , they said .
However , the construction of the second Inga-Kinshasa line will be financed by the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) .
The European investment bank has issued bonds successfully for 50 years without debt buy-outs , national guarantees or fiscal transfers .
These measures , together with public investments financed by the European investment bank , should improve competitiveness over a reasonable time period .
Citigroup will pay most of its investment bankers in Europe at least half of their bonuses in cash this year , underlining how US banks continue to be much more generous than their European rivals .
For example , he says he has " concerns " about the suggestion that the European Investment Bank of which the UK is a shareholder might become involved in recapitalising banks .
The European investment bank has lost business to Chinese banks because they apply lower ethical and environmental standards , the head of the EIB said yesterday .
the European Investment Bank , which invested 100 million in Canary Wharf .
So I have asked the president of the EIB to consider three concrete proposals .
It would take on more risk by abandoning its rule of lending only to investment grade borrowers .
One of those conditions is the Swedish government backing $ 600 million in funding from the European Investment Bank .
The job cuts may also be necessary to get its own EIB loan , which the company applied for last month .
The European Union-backed EIB said it had authorised the loan to support research and development into improved energy efficiency and safety .
Regional aids in European Union are carried out though Structural Fund , Cohesion Fund , European Investment Bank and the Common Policy .
The World Bank , the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank are helping to finance the solar complex , built by Saudi Arabia .
One of the reasons the EIB was not eager to run the bail-out fund itself was precisely because it did not want its own credit rating tainted .
I am calling on the bank to accept a bigger share of the risk when lending with its banking partners , including through a new loan guarantee instrument .
The European Union is pushing more cash towards maritime projects either through project funding , or through a review of the lending policy of the European Investment Bank .
Main financiers of CCTs development projects include the World Bank group , the European Investment Bank , the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , Export Credit Agencies , and Commercial Banks .
Job losses accounting for about 15 per cent of the US and European investment banking industry have become a near certainty in the first half of this year following the latest turmoil on Wall Street , senior bankers have warned .
Goldman Sachs was named top investment banking adviser across the world , in the US and in Europe in the first six months of the year , setting the scene for a frantic battle for supremacy in the second half .
It is a hard slog running a major European investment bank these days .
Allianz is thought to be open to tie-ups in Europe in investment banking .
A managing director of one big European Investment Bank says the industry will cut as many posts as feasible , which means about 15 per cent of total headcount .
More of that cash is instead heading to Europe . Investment bankers there are now sure to dial Chinese clients if they hear that a firm is a possible bid target .
The EFSF could conduct net Eurobond issues and co-finance projects with the EIB .