
  • 网络gulliver;Stuart Gulliver;Stuart T. Gulliver
  1. 汇丰(HSBC)首席执行官欧智华(StuartGulliver)形容该行瑞士私人银行在逃税行为中扮演的角色“令人羞愧”;该行的确进行了道歉。

    HSBC , whose chief executive , Stuart Gulliver , described its Swiss private bank 's role in tax evasion as a " source of shame " did say sorry .

  2. 在宣布了未来3年削减至多35亿美元的大致削减计划后,汇丰首席执行官欧智华(StuartGulliver)正面临压力,就裁减大刀将砍向何处提供更多细节。

    Stuart Gulliver , HSBC chief executive , is under pressure to provide more details on where the axe will fall after setting out broad plans to cut costs by up to $ 3.5bn over three years .

  3. 欧智华领导的全球银行与市场部门创造的收益,是汇丰上半年收益超过巴克莱(barclays)和渣打(standardchartered)总和的主要原因。

    Earnings from global banking and markets , the division he heads , were the main reason HSBC made more money in the first half than Barclays and Standard Chartered put together .

  4. 委员会无疑有可能会提出分拆这些银行的建议,欧智华在一个由日本银行野村(Nomura)资助的会议上表示。

    It is clearly possible that that commission comes up with a recommendation to break up the banks , Mr Gulliver told a conference sponsored by Nomura , the Japanese bank .

  5. 汇丰首席执行官欧智华(StuartGulliver)表示,他希望要么大幅增持汇丰在中国第五大银行——交通银行(BankofCommunications)所持股份(目前为19%),要么扩充汇丰自身在中国内地的分行网点,从110家增至大约800家。

    Mr Gulliver has said he wants the bank to either substantially lift its holding in Bank of Communications , China 's fifth biggest bank , from 19 per cent or increase its mainland China branch network from 110 to about 800 .

  6. 任何出售股份的举动,都将符合汇丰行政总裁欧智华(stuartgulliver)在去年5月发起的战略规划,其宗旨是专注于该行能够实现最大利润的业务领域。

    Any disposal would be in line with the strategic plan launched in May last year by Stuart Gulliver , chief executive , to focus on businesses where the bank can make the most money .

  7. 根据汇丰首席执行官欧智华(stuartgulliver)制定的一项大范围战略调整方案,该行已经出售或关闭了日本和泰国的零售银行业务,并出售了旗下的亚洲保险业务。

    The bank has already sold or closed its retail banking operations in Japan and Thailand and sold its Asian insurance businesses as part of a broader strategic overhaul under Stuart Gulliver , chief executive .

  8. 汇丰(HSBC)行政总裁欧智华(StuartGulliver)表示:成功的合作有助于英国企业来东方在亚洲寻找机会,也有助于亚洲企业来西方把英国当作一个天然的贸易和投资目的地。

    Stuart Gulliver , HSBC chief executive , said : Successful cooperation will support British businesses as they look east to the opportunities in Asia while supporting Asian businesses looking west to Britain as a natural home for trade and investment .

  9. 欧智华和潘伟迪也都在进行投资。

    Both Mr Gulliver and Mr Pandit are also investing .

  10. 在看到潜在买家的反应比较冷淡后,欧智华放弃了出售。

    Mr Gulliver abandoned the sale process after a lukewarm response from potential buyers .

  11. 除了俄罗斯零售银行业务,欧智华并未明确表示会关闭哪些业务。

    Aside from Russian retail banking , Mr Gulliver did not specify which operations would close .

  12. 欧智华上任以来已强调过让汇丰远离麻烦的重要性。

    Mr Gulliver has stressed the importance of keeping HSBC out of trouble since he took over .

  13. 欧智华总是能够与汇丰核心客户群之外的群体建立良好关系。

    Mr Gulliver has always been able to relate to constituencies well beyond the core HSBC universe .

  14. 欧智华表示,亚洲信贷供应量的强劲增长“不可能无限期持续”。

    Mr Gulliver said that the strong increases in credit availability in Asia " cannot continue indefinitely " .

  15. 欧智华相信,从英国时区管理一家全球企业效率最高。

    Mr Gulliver believes that the UK timezone is the most efficient from which to manage a global business .

  16. 欧智华将常驻英国的消息,与9月份他获得任命时的通告不符。

    The news that Mr Gulliver will be based in the UK contradicts the September announcement when he was appointed .

  17. 周二宣布的计划是2011年欧智华上任首席执行官后,汇丰银行第二次大幅裁员。

    The plans announced on Tuesday are the second major job reductions at HSBC since Mr. Gulliver became chief executive in 2011 .

  18. 近几个月,对手公司的银行家开始猜测,欧智华将再次寻求全盘退出这块业务。

    In recent months , rival bankers have started to speculate that Mr Gulliver will once again look for a full exit .

  19. 于是只剩下港元与一篮子货币挂钩的方案,也就是欧智华的建议。

    That leaves the possibility of pegging the Hong Kong dollar to a basket of currencies , as proposed by Mr Gulliver .

  20. 欧智华表示,达到15%仍是可能的,但这将取决于英国和欧洲大陆提高利率。

    Mr Gulliver said hitting 15 per cent was still possible but would depend on rising interest rates in the UK and Europe .

  21. 欧智华表示,该行将在这方面继续推进,计划每年在亚洲和拉美招聘3000至5000名员工。

    Mr Gulliver said the bank would continue this trend , with plans to hire 3000-5000 staff a year in Asia and Latin America .

  22. 欧智华在一封致客户、股东和员工的信中表达了歉意,并在两次接受英国议会委员会质询时致歉。

    He said it in a letter to customers , shareholders and staff and twice before UK parliamentary committees , most recently this week .

  23. 据了解相关日程的人士介绍,欧智华将在5月11日在伦敦举行的投资者日活动上陈述自己的计划。

    Mr Gulliver will present his plans at an investor day in London on May 11 , according to people briefed on the agenda .

  24. 这是我们必须要对付的事,去年得到590万英镑奖金和中长期奖励的欧智华表示。

    This is something we have to deal with , said Mr Gulliver , who received £ 5.9m in bonus and longer-term incentive awards last year .

  25. 今年二月,欧智华将巴西和土耳其的业务认定为四个问题市场中的两个,如果回报没有改善的话,汇丰将要寻求更极端的重组办法。

    In February , Mr. Gulliver identified the Brazilian and Turkish businesses among four problem markets where HSBC would seek more extreme restructuring measures if returns did not improve .

  26. 如果欧智华能够继续他早先的成功,并且新兴市场不出现严重的问题,汇丰肯定会巩固刚刚在美国老对手面前取得的领先地位。

    If Mr Gulliver can build on his early success , and emerging markets do not seriously falter , HSBC must surely cement its new-found dominance over its old US foe .

  27. 世界正变得愈发地联系起来,而亚洲预计会有高增长,并在下个十年成为全球贸易中心,欧智华在一篇新闻稿中说。

    The world is increasingly connected , with Asia expected to show high growth and become the center of global trade over the next decade , Mr. Gulliver said in a news release .

  28. 欧智华在自己身边构建的氛围银行家们喜欢称之为文化也反映出汇丰的整体氛围。鉴于他已经在这家银行工作了30年,或许这不足为奇。

    The atmosphere – or culture , as bankers like to call it – that Mr Gulliver has built up around him reflects the broader HSBC , hardly surprising perhaps after a 30-year career at the bank .

  29. 汇丰在2011年5月宣布战略规划时,欧智华曾表示,这家英国银行无意出售其在中国金融机构持有的任何大笔股份,包括其在平安持有的股份。

    Mr Gulliver had said the UK bank had no plans to sell any of its big stakes in Chinese financial institutions , including its holding in Ping An , when HSBC announced its plan in May 2011 .