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  • L'oreal;Oreal;L'OREAL PARIS
  1. 从谷歌到欧莱雅,到IBM再到富国银行等公司都在他们的工作中不同程度的运用游戏化思维。

    Companies from Google to L'Oreal to IBM to Wells Fargo are known to use some degree of gamification in their workplaces .

  2. 另外,碧昂斯还签下了大批代言合约,其中包括日本矿泉水品牌CrystalGeyser、任天堂DS主机游戏、美国运通卡、化妆品牌欧莱雅以及萨曼莎·撒乌萨高级手袋等。

    She also added Crystal Geyser and Nintendo DSi to a lengthy list of endorsement deals that already included American Express , L'Oreal and Samantha Thavasa handbags .

  3. 她刚刚从欧莱雅(L'Oréal)英国分公司调到总部,成为亚太地区高级市场经理。

    She had just moved from L'Or é al UK to the company headquarters to become senior marketing manager for Asia-Pacific .

  4. 正如欧莱雅(L'Oréal)已然发现的,事实证明上述因素对于廉价大众商品制造商的负面影响尤为严重。

    These factors have proved especially punishing for makers of cheaper , mass-market goods - as L'Or é al has already discovered .

  5. 以腾讯制作、欧莱雅(L'Oréal)赞助的娱乐节目《约吧,大明星》(ADatewithaSuperstar)为例,欧莱雅的化妆品飘浮在屏幕上。

    Take the entertainment show A Date with a Superstar , produced by Tencent and sponsored by L'Or é al , whose cosmetic products twirl across the screen .

  6. 欧莱雅(L’Oréal)前高管乔治-爱德华.迪亚斯(George-EdouardDias)表示:尊重隐私是奢侈品行业的关键要素。

    The respect of privacy is a key aspect of the luxury business , says George-Edouard Dias ,

  7. 在欧莱雅(L’Oréal),现年33岁的詹姆斯•泰勒(JamesTaylor)花了3年时间管理一项总投资400万英镑、旨在改善规划和预测流程的IT项目。

    At L'Or é al , 33-year-old James Taylor has spent three years managing a £ 4m IT project to improve planning and forecasting processes .

  8. 但我们又懒得化妆。欧莱雅(L’Oréal)的一款应用——“千妆魔镜”(MakeupGenius)让用户不必把脸画得乱七八糟就可以尝试不同妆容。

    but we are too lazy to apply it . L'Or é al 's Makeup Genius app allows users to try different looks without getting messy .

  9. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,萨科齐涉嫌从欧莱雅集团女继承人莉莉亚娜·贝当古那里收受非法竞选捐款。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports Sarkozy is suspected of taking illegal campaign contributions from L'Oreal heiress , Liliane Bettencourt .

  10. 欧莱雅品牌主管菲利普克劳夫(philipclough)表示,该公司正在寻找新的原料来源,比如来自萨摩亚的有机椰子油,并发起反对贩卖儿童的活动。

    Philip clough , its brand director , says it is sourcing new ingredients , such as organic coconut oil from Samoa , and is campaigning against the trafficking of children .

  11. 克里斯蒂娜·舍克能帮助希拉里·克林顿把形象提升到不只是“够讨人喜欢”的地步吗?舍克落选白宫西翼的某个职位之后,加入了欧莱雅美国公司(L’OréalUSA),担任这家化妆品公司的首席联络官。

    Can Kristina Schake help Hillary Clinton come across as more than ' likable enough " ? After a position in the West Wing fell through , Ms. Schake joined L'Or é al USA as the cosmetics company 's chief communications officer .

  12. 欧莱雅集团的总裁兼首席执行官让-保罗·阿贡(Jean-PaulAgon)在该公司的网站上确认了她的死讯。

    She was 94 . Her death was confirmed by Jean-Paul Agon , chairman and chief executive of L'Or é al Group , on the company 's website .

  13. 我还接手经营一家只有50名免费会员的法国俱乐部,将其发展成了拥有500名收费会员的俱乐部,并吸引了欧莱雅(L’Oréal)和法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)的赞助。

    I also took over running a French club and enjoyed turning it from a free membership of 50 to a paid one of 500 , and attracting sponsorship from L'Or é al and Soci é t é G é n é rale .

  14. 本周初,竞争对手欧莱雅(L’Oréal)公布,其高档化妆品业务上一季度的全球销售额上升4.9%,相比第二季度的7.5%大幅下降,由此引发了对中国这一重大市场需求下降的担忧。

    Earlier this week , rival beauty company L'Or é al reported that global sales in its luxury unit rose 4.9 % last quarter , slower than the 7.5 % pace a quarter earlier , raising concerns that the China juggernaut is losing some steam .

  15. 很快,欧莱雅、Smashbox、倩碧(Clinique)、珍爱芮德(JaneIredale)、丝狄拉(Stila)和迪奥(Dior)等品牌都推出了自己的BB霜,为韩国化妆品进军美国铺平了道路。

    Soon enough , it had spawned versions from L'Or é al , Smashbox , Clinique , Jane Iredale , Stila and Dior - and paved the way for a Korean beauty invasion of the United States .

  16. 根据市场研究机构欧睿国际(Euromonitor)的数据,尽管增长迅速,但爱茉莉太平洋仅占据中国美容和个人护理市场1.2%的份额,而宝洁(Procter&Gamble)高达13.5%,欧莱雅(L’Oréal)占9.1%。

    Despite its fast growth , AmorePacific is still finding its feet in China with just a 1.2 per cent share of the country 's beauty and personal care market , compared with Procter & Gamble 's 13.5 per cent and L'Or é al 's 9.1 per cent , according to market researcher Euromonitor International .

  17. 根据该裁决,贝当古的资产,包括在欧莱雅逾30%的投票权,被置于由她女儿控制的信托基金中。该裁决还指定她的外孙让-维克托·梅耶斯(Jean-VictorMeyers)维护她的健康和个人事务。

    Under the decision , Bettencourt 's assets , including more than 30 percent of the voting shares of L'Or é al , were placed in a trust controlled by her daughter , while her grandson , Jean-Victor Meyers , was named to guard her health and personal affairs .

  18. 那块地最终成了欧莱雅在德国的总部。

    It eventually became L'Or é al 's headquarters in Germany .

  19. 欧莱雅2006年护发类产品的销售额达到363万欧元。

    L'Oreal customers spent 3.63 million euros on haircare products in 2006 .

  20. 后来,他加入了欧莱雅集团,最终担任副董事长。

    He later joined L'Or é al and eventually became deputy chairman .

  21. 含铅量最高的十款口红中,有五款是美国欧莱雅制造的。

    Five of the ten most contaminated lipsticks were manufactured by L'Oreal USA.

  22. 我买的是真的欧莱雅洗发水麽?你会避开地铁的头和尾部车厢。

    You start to avoid the front and rear carriages of subway trains .

  23. 其中就包括法国化妆品巨头欧莱雅。

    They include French cosmetics giant L'Oreal .

  24. 中心的墙上到处是嘟着嘴的模特、欧莱雅的广告和电视。

    The walls are covered with pouting models , L'Or é al adverts and television screens .

  25. 巴黎欧莱雅你值得拥有!

    Because you re worth it .

  26. 欧莱雅的游戏是在迷宫中奔跑,翻墙越壁,收集物品。

    L'Or é al 's game involves running around a maze , jumping over walls and collecting things .

  27. 所以我很地告诉大家,羽西品牌今后将由欧莱雅公司管理了。

    So I must tell you I am thrilled that Yue-Sai brand is now under the care of LOreal .

  28. 她是世界上规模和影响力最大的化妆品集团欧莱雅的大股东。

    She was the majority shareholder of L'Or é al , the world 's largest , most powerful cosmetics company .

  29. 法国欧莱雅黛国际集团有限公司成立于1978年,是集开发、生产、销售为一体的化妆品公司。

    France O'LAYEDY International ( Group ) Co. , Limited is a comprehensive company which conjoins development , production and sale .

  30. 根据员工们的反馈,欧莱雅近日拓展了自己的职业支持计划,把帮助员工配偶重新进入本国就业市场纳入其中。

    Acting on employee feedback , it recently broadened its career support programme to cover spouses re-entering the job market back home .