
pánɡ shì
  • Polynia Ponds
  1. 据调查员说,Madoff将他的投资生意描述成单纯的旁氏骗局。

    Madoff himself described his investment business as an unsophisticated " Ponzi scheme ," according to investigators who interviewed him .

  2. 没有人确切知道马多夫在干什么,但一些华尔街机构曾怀疑,他要么是抢在经纪客户前交易,要么是在经营一个旁氏骗局(PonziScheme)。

    No one knew exactly what Mr Madoff was doing but there were suspicions in parts of Wall Street that he was either front-running his broking customers or operating a Ponzi scheme .

  3. 昨日,美国检方在一份公开的法庭文件中主张,这位被控设计了500亿美元旁氏骗局(PonziScheme)的投资经理寄送上述物品的行为明显违反了法院指令,应投入监狱候审。

    The money manager , who is accused of perpetrating a $ 50bn Ponzi scheme , sent the items in an apparent violation of a court order and should be jailed pending trial , US prosecutors claimed in a court document made public yesterday .

  4. 简:哦,今天旁氏特价。太棒了!

    Jane : oh , pond 's is on sale today . great !

  5. 美联储正在打造着一个各类阴谋、旁氏骗局和欺诈手段层出不穷的牛市。

    The Fed is producing a bull market in scams , Ponzi schemes and associated rackets .

  6. 当前的洗发精市场充斥着各种各样的品牌,像飘柔、旁氏等优质产品很容易买到。

    The current market is flooded with various shampoo brands , such as Rejoice , Pond 's and other quality products are easy to buy .

  7. “这是央行牵头的旁氏骗局,钞票由此而生。”西北大学的中国研究专家维克托希亚说道。

    " It 's a Ponzi scheme whose head is the central bank , and it can print money ," says Victor Shih , a China expert at Northwestern University .

  8. 查尔斯。旁氏总是在不断的产生,他们大多是报纸的头条新闻人物,市场心理学告诉我们,大众具有偶像崇拜的习惯。

    Charles . Pond 's always a constant , most of them are the subject of newspaper headlines , the market psychology tells us that the public has a habit of idol worship .