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  • 网络nivea;Beiersdorf AG;Nivea Visage
  1. 事实证明梅格汉华丽皮肤的秘诀是妮维雅皮肤紧肤水润肤露——这在英国被称为NiveaQ10+皮肤紧肤水。

    It turns out the secret to Meghan 's gorgeous skin is Nivea 's Skin Firming Hydration Body Lotion - which is known in the UK as Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion .

  2. 多年来,我一直拿着十分实用的口袋般大小的妮维雅儿童防晒霜,防晒指数30和BootsSoltan儿童防过敏防晒乳液,防晒指数50(两款都是3英镑,每款都有各种尺寸)。

    For years , I 've carried the hugely practical pocket-sized tubes of Nivea Sun Kids SPF30 and Boots Soltan Kids Hypoallergenic Suncare SPF50 lotions ( both £ 3 , and both also available in full size ) .

  3. 它点燃了顾客的热情。不久前一个周六的上午,写着“所有商品均为一欧元”的手工制作大幅海报挂在摊位上方,摊位上堆满了厕纸、妮维雅(Nivea)护手霜和联合利华出品的Timotei洗发水等商品。

    It lights a fire in our customers . ' On a recent Saturday morning , large , handmade yellow posters emblazoned with ' Everything at One Euro ' hung over a stand piled high with products such as toilet paper , Nivea hand cream and Timotei shampoo , a Unilever brand .

  4. 妮维雅:那你怎么那样抖手指呢?

    Nivia : Why are you shaking your fingers that way ?

  5. 妮维雅:你走路怎么那么奇怪呢?

    Nivia : Why are you walking funny ?

  6. 两星期前,三个老男人围着穿粉红色紧身连衣裤的我给我涂着妮维雅。

    Two weeks ago I was in a pink leotard being smeared with Nivea by three old men .

  7. 妮维雅并没有像广告中那样使人恢复活力,看来气色真的需要首先调节心理。

    Nivea Man did 't revitalization the same as the advertisement , it seems I should psychological adjustment first .

  8. 在正常使用的情况下,每填充一瓶妮维雅男子剃须调理剂可持续使用三个月。

    Each refill bottle of Nivea for Men shaving conditioner lasts up to three months under regular use conditions .

  9. 许多系列可以男女互用,比如妮维雅或凡士林深层呵护系列。

    A lot of ranges can be used by men and women interchangeably , like Nivea or vaseline intensive care .

  10. 可口可乐、帮宝适、妮维雅和肯德基等品牌的新兴市场属性,与身上的西方色彩几乎同样浓厚。

    Brands such as Coca-Cola , Pampers , Nivea and KFC are almost as much emerging markets properties now as western ones .

  11. 在超过60年的职业生涯中,塞尔夫为杜嘉班纳,盖璞,妮维雅和玉兰油等品牌做过模特。

    Miss Selfe has posed for the likes of Dolce Gabbana , Gap , Nivea and Olay during a career which has spanned more than 60 years .

  12. 妮维雅:我不敢再问你问题了。我认为,没人能够幸免比你更多的伤害了。

    Nivia : I 'm afraid to ask you any more questions . I don 't think any man could survive any more injuries than what you already have !

  13. 这是妮维雅和麦克之间的对话,他们用到了很多词汇,我们谈论身体或身体疼痛时可以用到。

    It 's a dialogue between Nivia and Michael that uses a lot of vocabulary we use when talking about the body and when we have pain in our body .

  14. 妮维雅亲密关系报告显示,在我们的生活中,我们的最好的朋友、亲密的朋友和熟人之间的数量平衡保持着相当的稳定性。

    The Nivea Closeness Report found the balance between our numbers of ' best friends ' , ' close friends ' and ' acquaintances ' , remains fairly constant throughout our lifetime .

  15. 护肤品牌妮维雅进行的这项研究发现,我们的社交圈顶峰期出现在21岁时,21岁的我们在工作中认识了不同的人,同时也和学校里的认识的朋友保持着联系。

    The research undertaken by skin care brand Nivea found our social circle peaks at 21 as we meet people at work while keeping in touch with friends from school and university .