
  • 网络NIEA;Iphigenia
  1. (他指的是《仲夏夜之梦》[AMidsummerNight'sDream]中的泰坦妮娅[Titania]。)

    ( That would be Titania in A Midsummer Night 's Dream . )

  2. 其他孩子在外面玩,而小肯妮娅却被困在屋里。

    Little Kenya stuck inside while the other kids play .

  3. 《我盛大的希腊婚礼》女主角&妮娅·瓦达洛斯

    The Leading Role of My Big Fat Greek Wedding-Nia Vardalos

  4. 她哭了,苏妮娅局促不安地拍了拍她的肩。

    She had wept , and Sonia had patted her shoulder awkwardly .

  5. 50便士的硬币上有不列颠妮娅的形象。

    The figure of Britannia appears on50 pence pieces .

  6. 尤金妮娅不会让孩子们离开她的视线的

    Eugenia won 't take her eyes off your children

  7. 如何拥有尤金妮娅那样苗条的身材

    How to get a trim figure like Eugenie

  8. 妮娅:我要等着看他怎么当经理。

    Nia : I 'm going to wait and see how he is as a manager .

  9. 妮娅:你想怎么抱怨就怎么抱怨吧,但这并不能改变现状。

    Nia : You can complain all you want , but it doesn 't change the situation .

  10. 据报道,在婚礼之前,尤金妮娅公主在营养师加布里拉·皮科克的帮助下成功瘦身。

    According to reports , Eugenie has relied on the help of nutritionist Gabriela Peacock to slim down ahead of her nuptials .

  11. 萝茜(对坦妮娅说):真要命,你为了见父亲而等待了20年的时间,然后一下子出现了三个。

    Rosie : [ to Tanya ] Typical you wait 20 years for a father and then three show up at once .

  12. 私人教练卡梅伦·哈里斯透露了尤金妮娅公主为了拥有健美的身材可能进行的艰苦训练。

    Personal trainer Cameron Harris reveals just how much hard work the princess is likely to have put it to achieve her toned appearance .

  13. 维琪妮娅是很讨厌电话的;她把家里许多支线都扯掉了,只留下卧室和厨房里的。

    Virginia hated phones and she had had all the extensions taken out except for the one in her bedroom and one in the kitchen .