
  • 网络Grey;Meredith Grey
  1. 《实习医生格蕾》第15季将于9月27日在ABC电视台首播。

    Grey 's Anatomy Season 15 premieres September 27 on ABC .

  2. 实习医生格蕾“每周四晚八点在ABC台播出

    Grey 's Anatomy are Thursday 's night at eight on ABC "

  3. 下面就请跟我们一起来回顾一遍《实习医生格蕾》(Grey'sAnatomy)中的那些形形色色的奇怪病例吧~

    Take a look at some of the weirder cases the doctors of Grey 's Anatomy have had to deal with lately .

  4. 但是Katie的问题是,她当时不该和格蕾剧组续约。

    But Katies problem is that she should not have renewed her contract . '

  5. 《实习医生格蕾》这位的演员获得了2016年BET的人道主义大奖,并发表了关于种族和这个国家强有力的获奖感言。

    The " Grey 's Anatomy " star received the 2016 BET Humanitarian Award , and gave a powerful acceptance speech on race and this country .

  6. 莱梅斯的《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’sAnatomy)风靡一时之后,ABC频道对她十分信任,投资拍摄她的《丑闻》,大获成功。

    ABC had enough faith in Ms. Rhimes , after her " Grey 's Anatomy " proved a hit , to back " Scandal " and won big .

  7. 在过去的十一季中我们的第一位嘉宾一直在ABC电视台的热门剧“实习医生格蕾”中扮演梅雷迪思·格蕾医生

    From the last eleven seasons , you 've known that our first guest is Dr.Meredith Grey on ABC 's hit show " Grey 's the Anatomy . "

  8. 在ABC医疗剧《实习医生格蕾》中扮演实习生格蕾的旁派,在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时,被问到是否会继续出演第16季。

    In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Pompeo , who plays Meredith Grey on the ABC medical drama , was asked if she sees herself continuing on the show beyond Season 16 .

  9. 2010年1月21日她在《实习医生格蕾》的最后一集播出后,Katherine就再也没有出演过电视剧了,至今已经四年了。

    It has been four years since Katherine was on the small screen , after her final Grey 's Anatomy episode aired on 21st January 2010 .

  10. 在新一期的《名利场》中,饰演格蕾老公的PatrickDempsey证实了第八季将是他的最后演出。

    In the new issue of the Italian Vanity Fair , Patrick Dempsey confirms that the shows upcoming eighth season will be his swan song .

  11. 《19号消防局》向当地消防站捐赠了N95口罩,《实习医生格蕾》向洛杉矶当地医院捐赠了库存的白大褂和手套。

    Station 19 donated N95 masks to the local fire station while Grey 's is donating their backstock of gowns and gloves to local Los Angeles hospitals .

  12. 常看格蕾的人都知道,Callie是会忽然脱口而出“我爱你”的那种人,经常是贸贸然地。

    For those of you who have been watching Grey 's for a while , you know that Callie tends to blurt things like " I love you " out – often prematurely .

  13. 拿《实习医生格蕾》(2005-至今)举例:在2011年,10岁的美国小姑娘MadisynSeyferth通过看电视剧学到的心肺复苏术,挽救了母亲的生命。

    Take Grey 's Anatomy ( 2005 - ) for example : In 2011 , Madisyn Seyferth , a 10-year-old American girl , saved her mother 's life after learning CPR from the show .

  14. 这对母女生活在美国威斯康星州。在发现母亲KandaceSeyferth昏厥在自家地板上对自己的呼喊毫无反应后,女儿MadisynKestell凭借自己多年看著名医学题材电视剧《实习医生格蕾》的智慧救回了母亲。

    Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother , Kandace Seyferth , after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan , Wisconsin .

  15. 《实习医生格蕾》第16季会是最后一季吗?

    Could Season 16 be the last for Grey 's Anatomy ?

  16. 医生乙:O'alley,杨,格蕾,史蒂文斯。

    DOCTOR \# 2 : O'alley , Yang , Grey , Stevens .

  17. 什么“露丝·格蕾”号啊

    What the hell 's " The Rose Gray " ?

  18. 美国电视剧《格蕾医生》的叙事策略研究

    Investigation on the Narrative Strategy of the American Teleplay Grey 's Anatomy

  19. 还买下了“露丝·格蕾”号整艘船

    and to buy " The Rose Gray " outright .

  20. 决定离开实习医生格蕾对我来说是很不容易的。

    Leaving Grey 's Anatomy was not an easy decision for me to make .

  21. 我找到卖你“露丝·格蕾”号的人了

    I found the guy that you bought " The Rose Gray " From .

  22. 在《实习医生格蕾》过去播出的十季中,克里斯蒂娜杨无论是职业还是心智都有很大的成长。

    DuringGrey 's Anatomy 's 10 seasons , she 's grown professionally and emotionally .

  23. 格蕾认为,运动员和运动心理教练相处的时间长短在两者之间的关系中至关重要。

    Gray agrees that history is key in relationships between athletes and their sports psychologists .

  24. 凯瑟琳•海格尔:剧情类最佳女配角之《实习医生格蕾》(2007年)

    Katherine Heigl : Supporting Actress in a Drama for ' Grey 's Anatomy ' ( 2007 )

  25. 另一方面,格蕾提出,运动员必须得乐意培养这种关系。

    On the other hand , gray notes , the athlete must be willing to develop the relationship .

  26. 《格蕾的解剖》一如既往地为粉丝们提供了更多的医疗急救故事,人物关系也依然像上一季那么复杂。

    Grey ` s Anatomy continued to give fans more medical emergencies and complicated relationships in the past season .

  27. 当《实习医生格蕾》最终结束时,该剧的主创珊达·瑞姆斯将会回来写最后一集。

    When Grey 's does finally end , series creator Shonda Rhimes , will return to write the final episode .

  28. 这是几天时间内第二起《实习医生格蕾》救命事件了。

    It is the second time in a matter of days that the show has been credited with saving a life .

  29. 上个月他们抓住了一个队友,还把他眉毛给剃了,就因为他在看《实习医生格蕾》。&《欢乐合唱团》。

    Last month , they held down one of their teammates , shaved off his eyebrows just because he watched Grey 's Anatomy .

  30. 《实习医生格蕾》和《19号消防局》这两部都是《实习医生格蕾》系列剧,它们在艰难时期向医院捐赠了物资。

    Grey 's Anatomy and Station 19 , both Grey 's Anatomy universe shows have made donations of supplies in this trying time for hospitals .