
  • 网络Glastonbury Festival;Glastonbury Music Festival
  1. Orange公司将会在本周开幕的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上进行现场测试。

    Orange will be conducting live testing of the gadget on site at the Glastonbury Festival this weekend .

  2. 其中,格拉斯顿伯里音乐节是英国最大也是最受关注的音乐节,所有知名的音乐人都会在这个音乐节里演出。

    Glastonbury Festival is the biggest and most widely known of these festivals , and all the most popular music artists will play here .

  3. 模特们穿上高田贤三的淡色尼龙拉链装、敞胸的宽松印花衬衣以及带有品牌标识的T恤衫后,模样酷似刚从格拉斯顿伯里音乐节(Glastonbury)尽情而归的歌迷,上午10点钟仍毫无睡意,还兴致正浓地物色下个嗨场。

    In their pastel nylon zip-ups , loose print shirts worn open and logo T-shirts , many of the models looked directly transposed from Glastonbury , still awake at 10am , on their way to find another party . Hey !

  4. 乔:当然,我去过几次格拉斯顿伯里音乐节,去过两次雷丁音乐节。

    Joe : Of course ! I went to Glastonbury a few times , and Reading twice .

  5. 另外几位入围前十名的男星分别是:将于本月下旬领衔出演格拉斯顿伯里音乐节庆典的布鲁斯•斯普林斯汀、导演斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格、篮球运动员科比•布莱恩特。

    Bruce Springsteen , who will headline the Glastonbury later this month , director Steven Spielberg and basketball player Kobe Bryant complete the top10 .

  6. 这款便携式动能充电器本周五将在英国萨默塞特郡举行的“格拉斯顿伯里音乐节”上展出测试,该音乐节是全世界最大的户外音乐与艺术盛典。

    The portable kinetic energy chargers will be given a test run at this years Glastonbury Festival , the worlds biggest greenfield music and arts celebration that begins on a farm in Somerset on Friday .

  7. 有一次我去格拉斯顿伯里音乐节,然后被一堆狗仔团团围住,后来没办法我就只能坐在活动室,没办法出去。

    She continued : ' I once went to the Glastonbury music festival and was completely surrounded by packs of paparazzi the entire time , so I ended up sitting in a trailer , unable to go out . '

  8. 如果不凑上前去瞧瞧这些观众,还以为这是格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)音乐节现场,但观众们很多都身着正装夹克和衬衫。

    It could have been Glastonbury if you didn 't look too closely at the crowd , many of whom were in formal jackets and shirts .