
ɡé lín wēi zhì shí jiān
  • Greenwich Mean Time ;Universal Time ;Greenwich time
  1. 土耳其的标准时间,比格林威治时间早两小时。

    Standard time in Turkey is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time .

  2. 68岁的伊莉莎白艾毕,在格林威治时间5点38分到达。她很累,但是很开心。

    The 68-year-old Elizabeth Abbott arrived at 5:38 Greenwich mean time ... exhausted but happy .

  3. (上个世纪)70年代政府开始采用协调世界时,即UTC,格林威治时间寿终正寝。

    It died in the seventies when governments adopted Coordinated Universal Time , or UTC .

  4. 记者但是不会再有人正式使用格林威治时间了。

    CORRESPONDENT But no one officially uses GMT anymore .

  5. 但是不会再有人正式使用格林威治时间了。

    But no one officially uses GMT anymore .

  6. 截至格林威治时间昨日15:00点,港元汇率跌至7.7567港元兑1美元。

    The territory 's currency weakened to HK $ 7.7567 against the greenback by 15:00 GMT yesterday .

  7. 大家好,欢迎收听6月16日周二格林威治时间02:00录制的最新全球新闻。

    Hello and welcome to the latest global news recorded at02:00 GMT on Tuesday , 16th June .

  8. 起飞钟点是当地时间12点35分,你在格林威治时间13点21分到达伦敦。

    The departure time is35 hours local time , and you arrive in London at21 Greenwish time .

  9. 周二,刚过格林威治时间晚上10点,国际货币基金组织确认希腊没能支付款项。

    The IMF confirmed that Greece had failed to make the payment , shortly after 22:00 GMT on Tuesday .

  10. 今天格林威治时间15:00,美联储主席伯南克将在参议院银行委员会上发表他的半年度货币政策报告的证词讲话。

    Ahead today Fed Chairman Bernanke speaks at15:00 GMT at his semi-annual monetary policy report testimony before the Senate banking committee .

  11. 国际上主要时区系统的命名也都与格林威治时间有关。

    The main international system of nomenclature for time zones around the world was thus referenced to Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) .

  12. 英国夏令时间英国三月下旬至十月下旬实行,比格林威治时间晚一小时。

    British summer time abbreviation BST is the time used in Britain from late March to late October that is one hour later than Greenwich mean time .

  13. 下午2点46分(格林威治时间05:46),海啸警报的哀鸣声后,进行了一分钟的国悼,那一刻海底发生了里氏9.0级地震。

    A national minute of silence followed the wail of tsunami alarm sirens at 2:46 pm ( 0546 GMT ), the exact moment a 9.0-magnitude undersea quake hit .

  14. 在格林威治时间周三下午4点后不久,欧洲航天局任务总部的科学家们爆发出热烈掌声,“飞来号”从距离地球5.11亿公里的地方发来的一个无线信号证实,这个洗衣机大小的探测器已在彗星表面着陆。

    Scientists at ESA mission headquarters erupted in applause shortly after 4pm GMT as a radio signal from Philae 511m km away confirmed that the washing-machine-sized probe had reached the surface .

  15. 摘要:格林威治时间今天早上6点钟,利比亚军事行动开始12天之后,北约接管了国际社会对利比亚空袭的唯一指挥权。

    This morning at 6 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time , 12 days after the launch of the military action in Libya , NATO took sole command of international air operations over Libya .

  16. 据新华社报道,周三凌晨3:30(格林威治时间周二19:30),这名19岁的幸存者在一个倒塌的大楼下被发现,现正在接受医疗检查。

    The 19-year-old survivor was found at 03:30 local time on Wednesday ( 19:30 GMT Tuesday ) under a collapsed building and is now receiving medical treatment , reported state news agency Xinhua .

  17. 伦敦警察厅一位发言人说,格林威治时间周一早上9点零5分,警察被叫到帕克巷的一家酒店,“一位40多岁的女性”被宣告死亡。

    A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said the police were called to a hotel in Park Lane at 09:05 GMT on Monday , where " a woman in her mid-40s " was pronounced dead at the scene .

  18. 而截至格林威治时间周六下午17:25,这场只有英国公民和英国常住居民才有权利投票的签名请愿,已有2005101人进行投票,可见其受欢迎的程度。

    Since then , the petition -- which only British citizens or UK residents have the right to sign -- was proving so popular that by 1725 GMT on Saturday , 2005101 people had signed it .

  19. 每天晚上在格林威治时间午夜前后,开曼群岛上空的太阳就会落下,而太阳要在凌晨1点以后才会在英属印度洋领地升起。在这段时间内,南太平洋上小小的皮特凯恩群岛是唯一能够看到太阳的英国领地。

    Every night , around midnight GMT , the Sun sets on the Cayman Islands , and doesn 't rise over the British Indian Ocean Territory until after 1:00 A.M. For that hour , the little Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific are the only British territory in the Sun .

  20. 例如,纽约人都知道他们地处东部标准时区(EST),但只有经常跨国旅行的人才知道纽约位于格林威治标准时间西五区。

    For example , New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time ( EST ), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5 .

  21. 1884年,国际子午线大会确立了格林威治标准时间(GMT),即伦敦附近的格林威治皇家气象台(theRoyalObservatoryinGreenwich)的平均太阳时间。

    The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time , referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , near London .

  22. 同样,大多数美国人都知道美国西海岸位于太平洋标准时区(PST),却不知道它也叫做格林威治标准时间西八区。

    Likewise , the U.S. West coast time zone is known to most Americans as Pacific Standard Time ( PST ) zone rather than GMT-8 .

  23. 摆脱了闰秒就意味着由太阳测出的格林威治标准时间的消亡,GMT也不再精准了。

    Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time , which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate .

  24. 指出英国采用布鲁塞尔时间而不是格林威治标准时间或许会有好处,在政治上也许不够正确。

    It is probably impolitic to mention that there might be benefits if Britain followed Brussels time rather than Greenwich mean time .

  25. 他们在当地午夜(格林威治标准时间13点)来临之际观看了耗费数百万美元的大型焰火秀将天空照亮,焰火秀名为“创造”。

    As they watched , a massive multi-million dollar display of fireworks entitled " Creation " lit up the sky at the stroke of midnight local time ( 1300 GMT ) .

  26. 和世界许多时区一样,美国的四个时区在国内使用一套名称,但在国际上则参照格林威治标准时间。

    The four continental US time zones , like most time zones around the world , are known by one set of names for domestic purposes , and in reference to GMT for international purposes .

  27. 苏罗诺说数据显示默拉皮在星期三上午5:30(格林威治标准时间星期二22点30)喷出更多热云,可能达到距火山口四公里(两英里)。

    Surono said data showed Merapi had belched more heat clouds at5:30 am on Wednesday ( 2230 GMT Tuesday ) which could reach up to four kilometres ( two miles ) from the volcano 's crater .

  28. 于是1884年在这里伦敦郊外的格林威治,格林威治标准时间(gmt)诞生了。

    So Greenwich meantime , or GMT , was born here outside London in 1884 .