
lín láng
  • gem;beautiful jade
琳琅 [lín láng]
  • [beautiful jade;gem] 精美的玉石,比喻美好珍贵的东西

琳琅[lín láng]
  1. 街的两侧,满是琳琅装饰的小店,五颜六色、鲜艳无比的衣服、饰品。

    Both sides of the street , are full of small shops where beautiful jade decorated , varicoloured , bright-colored and incomparable clothes , ornaments .

  2. 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅;我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。

    Row after row of tall , like everywhere , a stretch of household appliances gem ; we always say a dilapidated cottage , but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform .

  3. 韩佳:琳琅是指精美的玉石。

    " Lin lang " refers to beautiful jade .

  4. 漫步在大街上,首先吸引你的是琳琅满目的店铺招牌。

    Walking in the street , first attracted you to the dazzling array of shop signs .

  5. 怎麽在琳琅满目的二手店中找到自己理想的商品呢?

    How to find ideal products at a dazzling array of beautiful exhibits in the second hand shop ?

  6. 生命多样性如此丰富、色彩琳琅、种类繁多,远远超出我们的期望。

    So huge diversity of life , very colorful , very rich , far exceeding any of our expectations .

  7. 有一天,我发现了一颗闪着璀璨琳琅般光泽的珍珠,这颗珍珠便是《伊索寓言》!

    One day , I found a bright Linlang Shanzhao as shiny pearl , this pearl is Aesop 's Fables .

  8. 街头琳琅满目的店铺名称以及作为其载体的店铺招牌本质上也是一种广告形式。

    Various shop names and signboards which serve as the carrier of the shop names are essentially also a form of advertising .

  9. 又可以说,只是他自己把这颗珍珠培养起来,有一天他可以拿来摆在他那满自琳琅的陈列室中。

    he alone reared it , so to speak , in order to transfer it one day to his dearly beloved museum .

  10. 就连咖啡座都是琳琅的,穹顶镶满了教堂一般炫彩的玻璃。

    Even the cafe is glittering and the dome of the hall is all but colorful glasses , just like those in the church .

  11. 虽然经历的环境不同,地域不同,种类不同,但其中的艺术表现手法是极其丰富多彩,琳琅满目的。

    Although the environment , regions and kinds of them are very different , the means of Artistic expression are extremely colorful and dazzling .

  12. 每次去他书房,看到琳琅满目的证书后,我不由对他肃然起敬。

    Every time I go to his study , see the range of certificates , I could not but he stood respectfully before visitors .

  13. 在6层楼的芭比旗舰店,一部自动扶梯将好奇的上海人送上粉红灯光照明的长长通道,通道中回响着孩子们咯咯的笑声,尽头是一个装饰得琳琅满目的人造仙境。

    Inside the six-story Barbie flagship store an escalator carries curious Shanghainese up a long , pink illuminated tunnel echoing with recordings of giggling children and disgorges them into a plastic wonderland of frills and accessories .
