
  • Linda;Lynda;Lynda Carter
  1. 琳达和她的未婚夫在那里。

    Linda and her fianc é were there .

  2. 琳达在电话里和警察谈了3个小时。

    Linda remained on the telephone to the police for three hours

  3. 琳达把所有时间都花在打理花园上。

    Linda spends all her time working on the garden

  4. 琳达知道,为了他俩,她必须断然行事。

    Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action .

  5. 琳达·格拉德斯坦的这份报道来自耶路撒冷,它已经通过了以色列方面的审查。

    Linda Gradstein has this report from Jerusalem , which was cleared by an Israeli censor

  6. 琳达是一个非常朴实的人。

    Linda is totally unpretentious about herself .

  7. 她和琳达变得非常亲密。

    She and Linda became very close

  8. 琳达无法忍受脏乱。

    Linda can 't stand mess .

  9. 阿比盖尔的母亲琳达带着一种又骄傲又担忧的复杂情绪看待女儿的才华。

    Abigail 's mother Linda views her daughter 's talent with a mixture of pride and worry

  10. 说句公道话,琳达努力规劝过约翰要好好学习。

    To give Linda her due , she had tried to encourage John in his school work .

  11. 琳达现在发现她的很多客户都在调换工作减轻压力,寻求一种新的生活方式。

    Lynda now sees many of her clients downshifting in search of a new way of living .

  12. 琳达答应在我们外出时帮我们看孩子。

    Linda promised to mind the baby while we go out .

  13. 琳达仍然渴望得到同龄人的认可。

    Linda still craves the recognition of her peers .

  14. 我拿起电话,传来一个轻柔的声音,自我介绍说名叫琳达。

    I answered the phone and a gentle voice introduced herself as Linda .

  15. 琳达6月20日生了个男孩。

    Linda had a baby boy on June 20 .

  16. 琳达和蒂娜关系又和好了,他们的分歧早已烟消云散了。

    Linda and Tina were again on speaking terms , their disagreement was dead and buried .

  17. 上周,琳达奥布斯特提出一个看法,她认为海外市场的经济职责正在遏制美国喜剧电影。

    Last week , lynda obst made a persuasive case that the economic obligations of the foreign market were strangling American film comedy .

  18. 在南加州,洛玛·琳达大学医学院正在为其生活方式医学专业(这是使用食物来治疗疾病的一个正式专业)的住院医师提供专门的培训。

    In Southern California , Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine — that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease .

  19. “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,”帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的布伦达·雷亚博士说。

    " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

  20. B:我是琳达。是约翰吗?

    B : This is Linda speaking . Is that John ( speaking ) .

  21. 亲爱的琳达,最近怎么样?

    Dear Linda , How are things with you ?

  22. 琳达下课后要去广州。

    Linda is leaving for Guangzhou after class .

  23. A:是的,我是约翰。琳达,我们昨晚在学校聚会上玩得很开心,但很遗憾你没来。发生了什么事?

    A : Yes , it 's John here . Linda , we had a good time at the school party last night.But it 's a pity you didn 't come.What happened ( to you ) ?

  24. 琳达击发两次。三个正在组装迫击炮的咕噜人倒下了。

    Linda fired twice A trio of Grunts assembling one mortar fell .

  25. 这个说法最初由苹果公司前高管琳达-斯通提出,描述的是当你进入“战斗或逃跑”状态时身体发生的变化。

    The term , first introduced by former Apple executive , Linda Stone , describes what happens when you go into ' fight or flight ' mode .

  26. 他的新书是与琳达•比尔米斯(LindaBilmes)合著的《一场三万亿美元的战争》(TheThreeTrillionDollarWar)(2008年)。

    His latest book is The Three Trillion Dollar War , co-authored with Linda Bilmes ( 2008 )

  27. NPR新闻,琳达·格拉德斯坦恩耶路撒冷报道。

    From NPR news , I am Linda Gradstein , in Jerusalem .

  28. 我现在在校车上,旁边坐的是我的同学:蒂娜,琳达,杰姬和莉落。我不喜欢跟她们鬼扯,所以我正听者我上网新买的CD。

    I am on the School bus sitting by my classmates . Tina , Linda , Jackie and Lisa . I do not like to gossip with them.so I am listening to a new CD I bought last week .

  29. 出于研究的目的,伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)教授琳达?格莱顿(LyndaGratton)把少数群体定义为占比“不到30%”,不管标准是性别、种族还是有粉红色的头发。

    For research purposes , Lynda Gratton , a professor at London Business School , defines a minority as " less than 30 per cent , " whether it is by gender , race , or having pink hair .

  30. 伦敦商学院(LBS)教授琳达•格拉顿(LyndaGratton)和安德鲁•斯科特(AndrewScott)在两人合著的的重要新书《百岁人生》(The100-YearLife)中写道,如今在西方出生的婴儿,有超过一半概率会活到105岁。

    A baby born in the west today will more likely than not live to be 105 , write Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott of London Business School in their crucial new book , The 100-Year Life .
