
  • 网络NWS;Weather;weather service
  1. 我所做的第一个更新是添加include指令以引用天气服务模块。

    The first update I made was to add the include directive to reference the weather services module .

  2. 假设有一个简单的天气服务,暴露出一个名为“WeatherQuery”的Web方法,这个方法返回一个对象,包含温度和气压值。

    Imagine a simple Weather Service exposing a web method called " WeatherQuery " that returned the temperature and pressure wrapped in an object .

  3. 系统能用于多城市空气质量预报,对城市环境天气服务中的中小尺度短期(24h~48h)的天气预报也有参考价值。

    This system can be used for multi-cities ' environmental quality forecasting , also it can be used for short-term weather forecasting .

  4. 于香港境内提供定点天气服务。

    " MyObservatory " provides location-specific weather service in Hong Kong .

  5. 发到休斯顿克罗勒夫你的天气服务站

    Send to Houston , Korolev , your weather service .

  6. 然后创建了一个天气服务对象。

    Then I created a weather service object .

  7. 晚上好。现在是国家天气服务对芝加哥地区的天气预报。

    Good evening . Here is the National Weather Service forecast for the Chicago area .

  8. 世博园内还设置了气象观测台,以提供天气服务。

    The park is also equipped with a meteorological observation station to provide good weather service .

  9. 国家天气服务台预报内布拉斯州将会降临大雪和冰雨。

    The National Weather Service says more snow and freezing rain are on the way for Nebraska .

  10. 这些免费的预报为许多无法自行承担天气服务的国家提供了便利。

    The reports are free and are helpful for many countries that cannot afford their own weather service .

  11. 此外,各种在线天气服务网站不仅提供了特定地理位置的当前天气状况,而且也提供该地区以往天气状况。

    Moreover , various online weather Web services provide not only the current weather condition of a particular geographical area but also offer its historical weather data .

  12. 我们看看如何使用Load来调用前面讨论的天气温度服务。

    Let 's see how Load would be used to call the weather temperature service discussed previously .

  13. SOA框架的研究及其在天气预报服务上的应用

    The Research of SOA Framework and Its Application on Weather Forecast Service

  14. 这个移动Web服务系统包括三个子模块:天气预报服务、购物车服务、地图显示服务。

    This system includes three sub-modules that are a weather forecast service , a shopping car service and a displaying map service .

  15. 世界气象组织(WMO)从上世纪90年代中期开展的研究表明,在天气预报服务上每投入1美元,就会减少10美元的经济损失。

    A study from the mid-1990s admittedly , conducted by the World Meteorological Organization concluded that every dollar invested in weather forecasting services would save $ 10 in economic losses .

  16. 传递一个zipcode字符串值给天气信息服务的getTempRequest方法调用,最后以接收到的浮点值温度作为响应。

    The weather service requires you to call the getTempRequest method by passing in a zipcode value as a string and receiving the temperature as a floating-point value in the response .

  17. 城市天气预报服务产品制作系统

    Introduction of The Production Making System For The Special Forecast Service

  18. 沿海渔业天气警报服务系统

    A weather warning system to serve the inshore fishing ground

  19. 扬州市6-7月份天气预报服务业务化系统

    An Operational System of Yangzhou 's Weather Forecast and Service in June and July

  20. 山西2006年4·11强寒潮天气预报服务及冻害灾情评估

    Prediction service and valuing of frozen disaster for ' 06.0 4.11 ' strong cold surge

  21. 12月8日发射的风云-2D是中国最新发射的一颗卫星,其首要任务是为奥运会提供天气预报服务。

    Its latest satellite , Fengyun-2D , was launched on December8th with Olympic forecasting as a priority mission .

  22. 电视、广播、网络、报纸,甚至于手机都成了传播天气、服务大众的媒介。

    Television , radio , internet , newspaper , and even the mobile phone have become the media to spread weather information and service the public .

  23. 全国共有城乡天气预报服务网发射站点1213个,卫星云图接收站点235个。

    The year 1998 also saw the operation of 1,213 urban and rural weather forecast service and transmission stations , and 235 satellite cloud map receiving stations throughout China .

  24. 2002年12月广西寒潮过程特征及数值预报产品的释用山西2006年4·11强寒潮天气预报服务及冻害灾情评估

    Process Characteristics of Cold Current Weather in December of 2002 and the Interpretation and Application of Numerical Forecast Products Prediction service and valuing of frozen disaster for ' 06.0 4.11 ' strong cold surge

  25. 特别是把短波单边带通信,地面波传播方式和双音报警技术引入天气警报服务系统,开辟了短波单边带气象通应用的新领域。

    Specially , short wave single side band ( SW SSB ) and ground wave transmission and technology of double tone giving an alarm are used in weather warning service , as a result a new field of using SW SSB meteorological communication is set up .

  26. 在概述80年代后期已蓬勃涌现的国外气象信息分发系统(MIDS)的基础上,介绍了我国第一个这类系统&武汉天气信息分发服务系统(WIDSS)的结构和特点。

    Based on the summary of Meteorology Information Distribution System ( MIDS ) which have been emerging abroad vigorously since late 80s , the structure and features of the first similar system in China & Wuhan Weather Information Distribution Service System ( WIDSS ) are introduced here .

  27. 镇江市火险天气指数预报服务系统

    The Service System of Fire Weather Index Forecast at Zhenjiang City

  28. 武汉天气信息分发服务系统的特性和应用

    Features and Application of Wuhan Weather Information Dissemination Service System

  29. 沙尘暴天气监测预警服务业务系统设计思路及其实现

    The Design of The Sandstorm Weather Monitor And Forecast Operation System in Northwest China

  30. 西北地区沙尘暴天气监测预警服务业务系统

    The Synthetical System of Operation and Service on Dust and Sand Storm Monitoring and Forecasting in Northwest China