
  • 网络The Age of Revolution
  1. 原来,即便在革命的年代,政治的影响在经济的利润面前,终究是要打掉折扣的。

    It turned out that in an age of revolution , political influence would be at a discount when it was faced with economic profits .

  2. 发生工业革命的年代。

    The years that witnessed the industrial revolution .

  3. 前者形成于战争与革命的年代,后者形成于和平与发展的时代。

    The former was formed in the age of war and revolution , the latter in peace and development .

  4. 于是在革命与战争的年代,女性与革命政治,女性与民族和阶级解放的时代主题紧密联结起来。

    In the revolutionary years and wartime , women ' lives are closely connected with revolution , politics and so on .

  5. 报告称,欧洲未能以相同的程度参与这第二个镀金时代。镀金时代是指20世纪初第二次工业革命后财富创造的年代。

    Europe had not participated in this second gilded age an era of wealth creation following industrial innovation in the early 1900s to such a degree , the report said .

  6. 许多决策者指出,允许农村公民自由出售他们的土地,将导致中国农村回到革命前封建地主的年代,并给城市带来大批无地可耕的穷人。

    Many policymakers have argued that allowing rural citizens to sell their land freely would result in a return to the pre-revolution days of feudal landlords and create a flood of landless poor into the cities .