
ɡé mìnɡ dào dǐ
  • 熟语carry the revolution to the end;remain a revolutionary to the end of one’s life
  1. 苏区革命到底在多大程度上实现了社会变革呢?这是目前苏区社会史研究讨论激烈的一个问题。

    How much social reform did the revolution realize in the soviet areas ? At present , it is the hotly discussed problem as a part of the research on the social history of soviet area .

  2. 将革命进行到底&我看你还能咋的?

    Vow to carry our revolution on to the very end & let me see what you can do now ?

  3. 这个人为了发展自己的能力,需要对自己有坚强的信心,这个人一定要相信自己能够将革命进行到底。

    In order that he may develop his abilities he needs the complete confidence of his ruler , who must entrust him with full responsibility as long as the war lasts .

  4. 因此要想真正理解不断革命思想,就得弄清楚这个革命到底是指什么,只有这样才能避免因混淆乱用而产生不良的后果。

    So if you want to really understand the idea of " continuous revolution ", will have to figure out what refers to the revolution , only in this way can avoid the confusion to abuse and adverse consequences .

  5. 因此,中国的广大的革命知识分子虽然有先锋的和桥梁的作用,但不是所有这些知识分子都能革命到底的。

    Hence although the mass of revolutionary intellectuals in China can play a vanguard role or serve as a link with the masses , not all of them will remain revolutionaries to the end .