
ɡé mìnɡ rén shēnɡ ɡuān
  • revolutionary outlook on life
  1. 革命人生观:党员干部拒腐防变的牢固堤防一部改造世界观的伟大纲领&纪念《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表59周年

    A Revolutionary Outlook on Life : the Dam to Protect the Party Cadres against Corruption A Great Programmatic Document for World Outlook Remoulding & Commemorate " The Speech in Yan'an Art Conversazione " to have been published for fifty-nine years

  2. 革命军人的人生观,与常人有相同的一面,也有特殊的一面。

    Outlook on life , and common people of revolution soldier have identical one aspect , also have peculiar one aspect .