
  • 网络wong tai sin;Wong Tai Sin Temple;wts;The Legend of Wong Tai Sin
  1. 黄大仙区老人福利服务联会

    Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged

  2. 参加者考察黄大仙庙的传统中国建筑特色。

    Participants studied the architectural characteristics of Wong Tai Sin temple .

  3. 黄大仙是指在人的不人道行为的人。

    Sin is defined in terms of man 's inhumanity to man .

  4. 黄大仙警察宿舍牙科诊所

    Wong Tai Sin Police Quarters Dental Clinic

  5. 丹仙汤治疗乳腺增生病127例疗效观察东华三院黄大仙医院

    Treatment of Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands by Danxian Tang : A Clinical Observation of 127 Cases

  6. 位于黄大仙、牛池湾及柴湾的3个新宿舍项目已于一九九七年中完成。

    Three new quarters projects in Wong Tai sin , Ngau Chi Wan and Chai Wan were completed in mid-1997 .

  7. 在九龙半岛的观塘和黄大仙区,一共有二十五间麦当劳快餐店,而中学则有七十四间。

    In two districts ( Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin ) there are25 McDonalds against the background of74 secondary schools .

  8. 及香港黄大仙及种种预言,末日来时,水如同珍珠般之昂贵。

    Saint Huang in Hong Kong and various prophesies , water will be as expensive as pearls when the end comes .

  9. 黄大仙老人社区中心〔圣公会教区福利协会〕对他们来说,圣路易就是文明社会的尽头。

    Wong Tai Sin Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ SKH Diocesan Welfare Council ] Saint Louis was the end of civilization .

  10. 红色的柱子,明亮的黄色屋顶,绿色和蓝色的格子,啬色园黄大仙祠就像是一个色彩的大爆炸。

    Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple is an explosion of colour with red pillars , bright-yellow roofs and green-and-blue latticework .

  11. 同学希望于黄大仙区加设医院及消防局等设施,为居民提供更大的生活保障。

    Students suggested to add public facilities for Wong Tai Sin district , including hospitals and fire station , providing a secure living environment .

  12. 位于九龙东北部的黄大仙庙一直以来都香火鼎盛。它采用传统的中国式建筑,庙内供奉道教神明黄大仙。

    The very popular Wong Tai Sin Temple in north-eastern Kowloon is dedicated to a Taoist deity and is built in traditional Chinese architectural style .

  13. 设计于黄大仙区增设现时缺乏的设施,包括单车径、溜冰场及黄金厕所等。

    In view of the lack of public facilities in Wong Tai Sin , students suggested to build a cycling track , skating rink and golden washroom in the district .

  14. 总共有579名在黄大仙区的小学就读的学生被派往将军澳。将军澳区的中学今年共收850名跨区学生。

    A total of579 Primary Six students who studied in Wong Tai Sin were admitted to secondary schools in Tseung Kwan O , where secondary schools have taken in850 students from other districts this year .