
  • 网络Huang Yi;Crystal Huang;Betty
  1. 中国演员黄奕来自上海,她出演了很多的电视剧和电影。

    Sam : Yes , she played a lot in the Chinese ancient pictures .

  2. 近日,中国大陆女演员黄奕表示,与丈夫姜凯因性格不合结束了不到一年的婚姻生活。

    Chinese actress Huang Yi and her husband Jiang Kai had just ended their less-than-a-year marriage .

  3. 小姜曾香港最有名的艺术家同台,如钟镇涛和黄奕。

    Ginger Kwan has worked side-by-side with some of Hong Kong 's most famous artists such as Kenny Bee and Michael Wong .