
fēi jué dìng lùn
  • indeterminism;non-determinism
非决定论[fēi jué dìng lùn]
  1. 值得庆幸的是,关于这个词和它的反义词,非决定论都不存在多种解释

    Fortunately , no ambiguities hang about this word or about its opposite , indeterminism .

  2. 决定论、非决定论和人类自由的关系问题。

    The relationship among determinism , indeterminism and Human freedom .

  3. 代替非决定论和机械决定论的,是辩证决定论。

    The dialectical determinism replaces the non-determinism and the mechanical determinism .

  4. 非决定论者说,可能出现的是取而代之的另一意志;

    The indeterminists say another volition might have occurred in its place ;

  5. 历史非决定论在自然与社会界限问题上的误区

    Mistakes of Historical Indeterminism on the Borderline between Nature and Social History

  6. 以辩证决定论观念审视社会发展规律&兼对非决定论的批判

    Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law & and animadverting on undeterminism

  7. 现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据吗?

    Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism ?

  8. 于是,非决定论对将世界视为一个僵化的事实单元的观点持否定态度。

    Indeterminism thus denies the world to be one unbending unit of fact .

  9. 从色觉、科学仪器、测不准原理看非决定论

    Study on non-determinism from aspects of color sense , scientific instrument and uncertainty principle

  10. 本文对非决定论概念也作了明确的界定。

    In this paper , non-determinism which is opposite to determinism concept is defined clearly .

  11. 历史非决定论的四个认识误区

    Four Ideological Misunderstanding in the Historical Non-determinism

  12. 历史非决定论的误区主要有:其一,意识形态的偏见;

    There are four major errors for the historical non-determinism . Firstly , it has an ideological bias .

  13. 决定论与非决定论之争可谓是哲学史上最早的争论之一,至今二者之间的争论仍在持续,在此就不再多做解释。

    The argument on the determinism and non-determinism is one of the longest-running arguments in the history of philosophy .

  14. 在这里,存在两种相左的观点:一是历史决定论;二是历史非决定论。

    There are two contrary viewpoints to this problem : one is historical determination and the other is historical indetermination .

  15. 论马克思主义历史决定论的辩证性质&兼驳历史非决定论对历史决定论的非难相对真理与绝对真理辩证关系新探

    On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth

  16. 历史非决定论是指否认历史发展存在因果决定性、必然性和规律性的理论。

    Historical non-determinism is a theory that denies the existence of cause and effect , of the inevitability and the historical law .

  17. 历史非决定论者否认社会历史有自在客观性规律。自觉或不自觉地对社会历史规律作自在客观性的规定和理解是其争论的焦点。

    The point of the discussion is that they both defined and explained the objectivity-in-itself of the laws of social history consciously or unconsciously .

  18. 波普尔的历史非决定论曾在西方社会产生过很大影响。

    Popper 's Historical Non-determinism is formed and reflected in the process of critiizing Maxist Historical Determinism and once evoked great repercussion in Western society .

  19. 从整体性出发,基因非决定论不再视基因为孤立单位,而将其置于非线性的“基因群”网络之中,通过基因与基因、基因与环境的相互作用来理解基因的多重功能。

    In an all-round view , non-gene determinism recognizes genes in background of gene groups , understand the complex functions from the correlation between genes and environments .

  20. 正如我刚才所说明的,根本不可能找到任何外部证据以在决定论与非决定论间做出选择。

    Now , evidence of an external kind to decide between determinism and indeterminism is , as I intimated a while back , strictly impossible to find .

  21. 本文不同意现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据的观点,提出了现代混沌学与本体决定论相容的观点。

    This paper refutes a prevalent standpoint that modern chaos furnishes scientific evidence to ontological indeterminism , and advances that modern chaos and ontological determinism are compatible .

  22. 与其说波普尔认为非决定论为真,不如说非决定论是人类自由直觉信念的必要前提,是人类自由的绪论。

    The indeterminism is the prerequisite of Human 's intuitive free belief , the " introduction of Human freedom " , rather than what Popper thought as the truth .

  23. 规律是必然和偶然的统一,机械决定论是不正确的,非决定论也是错误的,辩证决定论才是正确的理论。

    A law is the unity of necessity and contingency . Mechanical determinism is incorrect , non-determinism is wrong , and it is dialectical determinism that is the correct theory .

  24. 二者的最大区别是:犯罪古典学派主张意志非决定论(自由论)而犯罪实证学派则主张意志决定论。

    The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .

  25. 对于独立于先前的心理和生理条件的、非决定论的自由意志是否存在这一核心问题,已有证据与论证对自由意志论者似乎更加不利。

    As to the central issue ' whether there exists the free will which is independent of proceeding psychological and physiological conditions , or undeterministic ', the libertarians seem to be disadvantaged .

  26. 以非决定论为基础的三个世界理论是波普尔哲学的本体论预设,而波普尔非决定论思想的确立又诉诸于对人类自由的信仰。

    The theory of Three Worlds based on the indeterminism is the ontological presumption of Popper 's philosophy , and the establishment of Popper 's idea about indeterminism resorts to the belief in Human freedom .

  27. 决定论与非决定论、历史决定论与反历史决定论是哲学在二十世纪激烈争论的一个问题。

    The debate between the determinism and the non-determinism , and the debate between the historical determinism and the anti historical determinism , are one of the severe disputing philosophy problems in the twenty century .

  28. 决定论问题作为哲学史上最悠久的问题之一,它是任何哲学家进行哲学研究都必须要回答的问题,根据对决定论问题的不同观点,学术界又有决定论与非决定论之分。

    As one of the longest-running issues in the history of philosophy , Determinism is the question that every philosopher must answer when they philosophize . According to the different viewpoints on the determinism , they are divided into two parts : determinism and non-determinism .

  29. 在决定论和非决定论问题上,量子力学的统计特征并不表明世界在本性上是统计性的或非决定论的,而只表明客体间相互作用是必然和偶然的统一。

    In terms of the determinism and non determinism , statistic character of quantum mechanics does not indicate that the world is fundamentally statistical or of non determinism , but rather , it simply indicates that the interaction among objects is unity of the inevitable and the accidental .

  30. 量子体系的远距离关联实验起源于EPR佯谬,实验的结果违反了定域隐变量理论,为量子理论中的非完全决定论提供了实验事实。

    The long-distance correlation experiment in quantum system originated in the EPR paradox , Results of the experiment ran counter to the theory of local hidden variables and provided experiment facts for the incomplete determinism in quantum theory .