
  1. 非原则性的权宜手段.论《物权法》中非依法律行为引起的物权变动

    Real Right Alternation Caused by Non-juristic Acts in Property Law

  2. 完全可以运用英语,只是偶尔出现非原则性的不准确和不得体;在涉及不熟悉的情景时出现理解失误;

    Has partial command of the language , coping with overall meaning in most situations , though is likely to make many mistakes .

  3. 但各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,对发展中国家考虑不够,有的不符合非歧视原则、统一性原则和透明度原则,有的对出口商来说具有隐含的歧视性。

    But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .