
  • 网络amorphous silicon thin film;Amorphous Silicon Film;a-Si thin film
  1. 研究了用于室温红外探测的非晶硅薄膜晶体管。

    The a-Si thin film transistor ( TFT ) used as room temperature infrared detector is studied .

  2. 高效、稳定、廉价的多晶硅薄膜太阳电池有可能替代非晶硅薄膜太阳电池成为新一代无污染民用太阳能电池。

    Poly-silicon thin film solar cells with high efficiency , stability and low-cost would replace the a-Si thin film solar cells as a new generation of non-pollution civil solar cells .

  3. 氢化非晶硅薄膜H含量控制研究进展

    Research Progress on the Hydrogen Content Control of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Films

  4. 铁电液晶空间光调制器氢化非晶硅薄膜p-i-n光敏层的研究

    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film p I n photosensor for ferroelectric liquid crystal optically addressed spatial light modulators

  5. 对氢化非晶硅薄膜Raman谱TA模的观测

    Observation on TA Mode of Raman Scattering for a-Si : H Films

  6. 退火的非晶硅薄膜的Raman光谱研究

    Raman Spectroscopy of Annealed Amorphous Silicon

  7. 新型SiO2栅介质非晶硅薄膜晶体管室温红外探测器

    New type of SiO_2 gate insulator a-Si TFT uncooled infrared detector

  8. 常压CVD淀积非晶硅薄膜的研究

    The Studies on the Amorphous Silicon Thin Films Deposited by CVD at Atmosphere Pressure

  9. Ar相对于Ar+来说更为温和,对非晶硅薄膜内纳米晶粒的生长和薄膜的综合质量更为有利。

    Relative to Ar + , Ar is more moderate and favorable on grain growth and film quality .

  10. 掺过渡金属钴的非晶硅薄膜的ESR和光电特性的研究

    Studies on ESR and Photoelectrical Properties of Amorphous Silicon Films Doped with Transition Metal Co

  11. 采用一种新方法,用脉冲CO2激光器获得了掺氢非晶硅薄膜。

    Amorphous Si : H fillm has been obtained with a pulsed CO2 laser by laser plasma induced chemical vapour deposition ( LPCVD ) .

  12. 乙烯掺杂APCVD法沉积非晶硅薄膜的光学特性

    Optical Properties of Ethylene-doped Amorphous Si Film Prepared by APCVD

  13. 利用X射线衍射、光学显微镜及透射电镜等测试方法,研究了不同退火工艺对非晶硅薄膜低温晶化的影响,确定了所制备的是多晶硅薄膜。

    We studied the influence of different annealing process on the low temperature crystallization of amorphous silicon films , testified that the thin films were polycrystalline silicon films by X ray diffraction , optical micrographs and the transmissive electron microscope .

  14. 本文采用TED、SEM和X光谱分析法研究了在550~750℃范围内用常压CVD法生长非晶硅薄膜的晶化和结构特性。指出了CVD非晶硅的晶化温度是680±10℃。

    The crystallization as well as the structure characteristics of ordinary CVD amorphous silicon films deposited over a temperature range of 550-750 ℃ have been investigated by TED , SEM and X-ray diffraction analysis .

  15. 提出一种能有效抑制背光照影响的非晶硅薄膜晶体管(a-Si:HTFT)结构。

    The amorphous silicon thin film transistor ( a-Si : H TFT ) structure for effectively suppressing backlight illumination effect is proposed in this paper .

  16. 对驱动IC输出引脚信号的实测以及彩色OLED屏的单色显示结果说明本文设计的驱动模块能驱动非晶硅薄膜晶体管有源OLED显示屏。

    The realtime-test for the output signal of the driver IC and a color screen monochrome display shows that the drive module designed in this paper can drive a-Si TFT AM-OLED display .

  17. 氢化非晶硅薄膜对C-MOS集成电路的钝化保护作用

    The Passivation and Protect Effect of α - Si : H Films on C-MOS ICs

  18. 600mm×1200mm大面积非晶硅薄膜太阳电池研究

    Studies for large area a-Si thin solar cell

  19. HIT(HeterojunctionwithIntrinsicThinLayer)太阳电池具有高效、稳定和低价等优点,它结合了非晶硅薄膜的低温沉积工艺和晶体硅的高迁移率优势,迅速抢占了国际光伏市场。

    HIT ( Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin Layer ) solar cell has advantages of high efficiency , stability and low costs . It combines low-temperature deposition process of amorphous silicon films with high mobility of crystal silicon and quickly seizes the international PV market .

  20. 为了制备优质的多晶硅薄膜,该论文研究了非晶硅薄膜的快速热退火(RTA)技术。

    The rapid thermal annealing ( RTA ) technique for crystallization of a-Si : H thin films was studied in order to prepare high quality polycrystalline silicon thin films .

  21. 平面异质结的制备是在n型(100)单晶硅衬底上,通过热丝化学气相沉积(HWCVD)方法沉积非晶硅薄膜。

    The method of the preparation plane heterojunction is deposited amorphous silicon thin film on the n type ( 100 ) monocrystalline silicon substrate through the hot wire chemical vapor deposition ( HWCVD ) .

  22. 氢化非晶硅薄膜具有独特的光电特性,我们分析了采用LBL方法的制备工艺条件对氢化非晶硅薄膜的光敏性的影响。

    The a-Si : H films have special photoelectric properties , and we analyze the effect of technology conditions of LBL method on the photosensitivity of a-Si : H films .

  23. 对在氢化非晶硅薄膜(a-Si∶H)上溅射金属Ni的样品进行金属诱导晶化(MIC)/金属诱导横向晶化(MILC),制备多晶硅薄膜(p-Si)的工艺及薄膜特性进行了研究。

    Process and material characterization of crystallization of amorphous silicon ( a-Si ) by metal-induced crystallization ( MIC ) and metal-induced lateral crystallization ( MILC ) using sputtered Ni on ( amorphous ) silicon film to prepare polysilicon ( p-Si ) film were investigated .

  24. 本文对非晶硅薄膜晶体管OLED的有源驱动技术进行了研究,设计并制作了采用分场数字驱动技术的5英寸(320×240)彩色有源OLED显示屏驱动模块。

    This paper researches the drive technology for amorphous silicon thin film transistor ( a - Si TFT ) AM-OLED , devises and make a driver model for 5-inch ( 320 × 240 ) color AM-OLED display based on the field digital grey scale technology .

  25. 近年来,PLED(聚合物发光二极管)和a-SiTFT(非晶硅薄膜晶体管)技术取得了巨大进展,两者的结合有望成为未来平板电视的主流。

    PLED ( polymer light emitting diode ) and a-Si TFT ( amorphous Silicon thin film transistor ) technology have made great progress in the past few years . Combination of two technologies is expected to be the mainstream of future flat televisions .

  26. 本文设计了一种新颖的电压模式非晶硅薄膜晶体管(a-SiTFT)AMOLED的像素驱动电路,该电路包含五个开关晶体管、一个驱动晶体管和一个存储电容。

    In this paper a new amorphous silicon thin-film transistor ( a-Si TFT ) pixel circuit for an active matrix organic light-emitting diode ( AMOLED ) employing a voltage programming has been proposed which consists of five switching TFTs , one driving TFT , and one capacitor .

  27. 然而,商业上的非晶硅薄膜仍存在某些难以克服的缺点,如:能量转换效率低、电导率低,且易发生光致衰退现象(即所谓的Staebler-Wronski效应)。

    For commercial amorphous Si thin films , however , there still remain some unavoidable disadvantages , i.e. , low energy conversion efficiency , low conductance , and light induced degradation of cell performance ( the so-called Staebler-Wronski effect ) .

  28. 当前,制备非晶硅薄膜的工艺技术有等离子体化学气相沉积,磁控溅射,以及热丝化学气相沉积等工艺。而在工业化生产线上主要采用射频(13.56MHz)等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术。

    At current , Preparation technologies of amorphous silicon thin film include plasma chemical vapor deposition , magnetron sputtering , and hot wire vapor deposition etc. But in the industrial production line , it mainly uses radio frequency ( rf ) chemical vapor deposition technique .

  29. 非晶硅薄膜的激光晶化及深度剖析喇曼光谱研究

    Raman Depth Profile Research of Laser Crystallized a : Si Film

  30. 用于液晶显示驱动电路的非晶硅薄膜晶体管

    Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistors for Application in Liquid Crystal Displays