
  • 网络Nonlinear elasticity;nonlinear theory of elasticity
  1. 本文介绍在非线性弹性力学中新发现的一种物理现象&slowdynamics现象。

    Slow dynamics that is introduced in this paper is one of new physical phenomena .

  2. 本文基于能量这个基本概念,获得了适用于线性和非线性弹性力学的多参数变分原理集合VR。

    This paper , basing on the fundamental concept of strain energy , studies the multiparameters variational principles set V_R which is applicable for both linear and nonlinear elastic mechanics problems .

  3. 弯曲动脉壁非线性弹性力学性质的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis on the non-linear elastic properties of the aortic arch wall

  4. 有限变形非线性弹性力学的倒易定理

    Reciprocal Theorem for Non - Linear Elasticity with Finite Displacements

  5. 非线性弹性力学统&理论的矩阵表述

    Matrix Representation of Unified Theory for Non-Linear Elasticity

  6. 建立了直角坐标系有限变形非线性弹性力学的倒易定理并给出了大挠度弯曲薄板的倒易定理。

    Taking a heliostat as example , the paper applies thin plate flexure theory and study regularity of load-deflection curve for reflector plate .

  7. 文中采用经典的非线性弹性力学方法推导了圆柱壳的大振幅运动方程,这些方程的静态形式与冯·卡门的板理论方程具有同样的精度。

    The equations of motion of circular cylindrical shell for large amplitude flexural vibrations are deduced in the classical nonlinear elastic mechanics method . The static versions of these equations are of the same approximation as those of the von Karman plate theory .

  8. 非线性粘弹性力学边值问题的逐次逼近解法

    Solution of boundary-value problems in nonlinear viscoelasticity by successive approximations

  9. 海洋浮体二阶非线性水弹性力学分析&系泊浮体主坐标响应的频率特征

    Second Order Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analyses of Floating Bodies & Frequency Characteristics of the Principal Coordinates of a Moored Floating Body

  10. 本文对非线性弹性断裂力学范畴的承压裂纹杆的断裂问题进行了讨论。

    This paper discusses the fracture problem of a compressed bar containing a crack Within the realm of nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics .

  11. 本文根据非线性粘弹性力学原理论述了沥青迁移的物理力学本质,并探讨了其影响因素及减轻沥青迁移的材料学方法。

    This asphalt migration phenomenon from a non-liner viscoelastic mechanics is explained and its affecting factors and technical methods retarding such a migration are discussed .

  12. 对含中心裂纹的无限大板在裂纹表面受均匀分布压力作用的情况,导出了几何非线性弹性断裂力学的能量释放率的一个精确表达式。

    An exact expression of energy release rate for geometrical nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics is obtained for an infinite plate with central crack under uniform stress normal to crack surfaces .

  13. 为了研究Winkler地基上材料非线性矩形薄板受简谐激励的非线性振动,应用弹性力学理论,建立了其动力学方程,并用Galerkin方法将其转化为非线性振动方程。

    Based on the elastic theory , nonlinear dynamical equations for an externally excited thin rectangular plate on the Winkler foundation were established by considering meterial nonlinearity in order to investigate its nonlinear vibration , and the corresponding nonlinear vibration equation was obtained using the Galerkin 's method .

  14. 结合实例分析,验证了由该瞬时弹性本构所表征的非线性粘弹性本构关系能对非线性粘弹性材料的力学行为进行合理描述的结论.并在应用中不断的改进、完善。

    The result that the nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive relation being marked by the instantaneous elastic constitutive relation can correctly describe the mechanics behaviors of nonlinear viscoelastic materials is verified by comparison between the theoretic calculated results and experimental data about the experiments under different strain rate levels for improved polypropylene .