
  • 网络residence time distribution;rtd
  1. 停留时间分布研究的结果表明,平均每增加一个混合元件,轴向Pe数增大4.1。

    RTD research shows that the axial Pe number increases with the number of static mixer . Averagely , Pe increase about 4.1 for each mixer element .

  2. 德士古气化炉冷态停留时间分布测试(II)

    Measurement of Residence Time Distribution ( KTD ) in Cold Texaco Gasifier ( II )

  3. FCC沉降器内流体的流动特性与停留时间分布

    Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in an FCC Disengager

  4. 采用脉冲法测定了蔗糖水解反应在连续搅拌釜式反应器内的停留时间分布,求得了停留时间分布密度函数E(t)、平均停留时间以及模型参数。

    Residence time distribution for sugar hydrolysis reaction in a contineous flow stirred tank reactor was m : asured by pulse input method .

  5. 停留时间分布(RTD)对聚合物反应挤出加工具有重要的影响。

    Residence time distribution has vital effect on polymer reactive extrusion processing .

  6. 连续磨矿、连续浮选过程都涉及到物料传递过程,以N级等容串联全混流为例开发了它的停留时间分布模块。

    Both continuous grinding and continuous flotation related to material transmission process , so residence time distribution block of complete mixing flow of N constant volume in series was built up as an example .

  7. 用NaCl溶液做示踪剂测定该管式反应器内的停留时间分布(RTD)曲线,并计算了平均停留时间和方差。

    The residence time distribution ( RTD ) curves of tubular reactors were determined using NaCl solution as a tracer .

  8. 大型DJ塔板上液体等平均停留时间分布的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Liquid Equal Mean Residence Time Distributions of a Large DJ Tray

  9. 停留时间分布(RTD)是表征聚合物挤出过程重要的参数。

    Retention time distribution ( RTD ) is an important parameter of polymer in the extruding process .

  10. 实验测定了粗颗粒流化床中细颗粒的停留时间分布(RTD)。

    Experiments were carried out to investigate the residence time of fine particles in a coarse particle fluidized bed .

  11. 用脉冲示踪法对二维三相循环流化床液体停留时间分布(RTD)进行了测定。

    Pulse tracer method was used to measure the residence time distribution ( RTD ) in Two-dimensional Three-phase circulating fluidized bed .

  12. 综述了停留时间分布(RTD)技术的基本原理及其在膜分离应用中的研究进展。

    This paper summarizes the basic principles of residence time distribution ( RTD ) technique and its applications in membrane separations .

  13. 为寻找实现工业化、连续化生产羟基聚硅氧烷的途径,本文还对卧式双轴自清洁反应器进行了停留时间分布(RTD)的研究,并提出中试方案。

    The residence time distribution ( RTD ) of the self-cleaning reactor was studied . Finally one pilot experimental scheme was proposed .

  14. 结合传质的特点,将反应器内研究混合情况的停留时间分布(RTD)概念引入流道抗结垢研究中,介绍了贝克列准数Pe的物理含义。

    The concept of Resident Time Distribution ( RTD ) studied in the reactor for mixing is introduced into the research of channel fouling study integrating mass transfer characteristic .

  15. 在OFR单腔室三维流场非对称性的定量研究基础上可进一步扩展到多腔室流场的模拟计算,以及流场的粒子扩散、停留时间分布和化学反应的模拟研究。

    The study of OFR can explode to computational simulation of multi-cells , particle-pervasion ; remain time distribution and chemical reactions in OFR .

  16. 本文发展了随机颗粒轨道模型并用来预测MSW在回转窑内轴向传输和扩散现象,即停留时间分布。

    A novel particulate trajectory model ( PTM ) is developed to simulate axial transport and dispersion , namely detailed residence time distribution , of MSW in a rotary kiln .

  17. 通过对鼓泡塔式(BC)和内循环气升式(AL)生物流化床反应器水力停留时间分布的研究,发现用组合模型可以描述这两种生物反应器的停留时间分布。

    The resident time distribution ( RTD ) of bubble column bioreactor ( BC ) and airlift loop bioreactor ( AL ) could be described in combinated model according to the studies on the hydraulics of BC and AL .

  18. 以某钢厂板坯连铸中间包为原型,利用数学模拟方法,以钢液停留时间分布曲线(RTD曲线)为评判标准,对目前使用的中间包内控流装置进行了优化。

    Based on the standard of the residual time distribution curve ( RTD curve ), the flow control devices in the slab tundish were optimized by numerical simulation method .

  19. 利用计算流体力学(CFD)技术,通过计算流体的停留时间分布,模拟了深圳某水厂臭氧接触池的水力效率,对臭氧接触系统进行了优化。

    Computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) technique was used to simulate the hydraulic efficiency of the ozone contactor in a water treatment plant , Shenzhen and to optimize the ozonation system by calculating retention time distribution of fluid .

  20. 运用化学工程中反应器理论,试验分析波式潜流人工湿地(W-SFCW)中的停留时间分布。

    The residence time distribution in W-SFCW system experiments was studied using the reactor theory , from chemical engineering .

  21. 基于Realizablek-ε模型,对气化炉的冷态速度分布和停留时间分布进行了模拟计算,模拟值与实验值吻合良好。

    Based on Realizable k - ε model , the velocity distribution and residence time distribution in the gasifier were simulated , and the simulated values show good agreement with the experimental values . 3 .

  22. 通过测定中间包内钢液停留时间分布曲线(RTD),计算其平均停留时间及死区、活塞区和混合区占中间包容积的百分比。

    The residence time distribution ( RTD ) curve of molten steel in the tundish was measured and the average residence time , and volumetric proportion of dead , plug-like and mixture zones were calculated .

  23. 国产200MW机组四角切圆燃烧炉膛停留时间分布的水模型实验测定及其应用

    Experimental Determination of the Residence Time Distribution in a Model Furnace for Domestic 200 MW Tangentially Fired Boilers and its Application

  24. 停留时间分布在验证了系统内存在死区或者返混情况的同时,表明PFR内的流体动力学特性受循环流量和管径的影响较大。

    RTD experiments validate the existence of dead zone or backmixing . It was also stated that fluid dynamics character in the PFR was affected by circulation flow and diameter .

  25. 在内径140mm,高10m的循环流化床提升管中,采用磷光颗粒示踪法对床内固体颗粒的停留时间分布进行了测定。

    A novel phosphor particle tracer technique has been used to measure the solids residence time distribution ( RTD ) in the circulating fluidized bed riser of internal diameter 0.140m .

  26. 当采用水溶性引发剂(KPS)时,并没有发现明显的过程强化现象,但由于停留时间分布带来的等效的多釜串联效果,转化率仍然比CSTR的要高。

    When initiated by water-soluble initiator ( KPS ), the process intensification was not very strong . But as the effect of Tanks-in-Series caused by resident time distribution , the conversion was still higher than CSTR .

  27. 本论文采用热水示踪技术,用微机温度测量系统测试了设有防冲击漏液装置的新型DJ塔板上液体等平均停留时间分布。

    In this paper , the liquid equal mean residence time distributions of a newly DJ tray with anti-dumping unit were measured by using of computerized multipass thermometer , stimulus-response technology using hot water tracer was adopted .

  28. 以空气-水为物系,采用热水示踪技术和计算机温度测量系统测试了设置有导流板的DJ型塔板上的液体等停留时间分布,研究了导流板对液体流动的作用。

    Liquid equal residence time distributions on DJ type tray with guide plate were measured in air-water system by using hot-water tracer technique and computerized multipass thermometer . Effect of guide plate on liquid flow was studied .

  29. 停留时间分布(RTD)是表征反应器混合的一个重要参数,它反映了物料在热、剪切或化学条件下的时间历史。

    Residence time distribution ( RTD ) was an important parameter for characterizing the mixing performance of a reactor . It reflected the time history of the heat , shear or chemical conditions for the materials under processing .

  30. 通过对深圳水务集团的若干清水池进行示踪研究,得到各清水池的停留时间分布函数和t10/T等参数,并对试验结果进行了讨论。

    Other discussions on residence time distribution and t10 / T are presented for tracer tests done on several existing tanks in waterworks of the Shenzhen Water Supply ( Group ) .