
tíng gé
  • freeze-frame
停格[tíng gé]
  1. 停格的画面能不能抵抗思念。

    Paused picture reflects cutless missing .

  2. 因此,用户使用流媒体服务时,尤其是在忙时段,可能会产生黑屏、马赛克、图像停格、声音时断等现象。

    Therefore , there might be fade-to-black , mosaic , and voice interruption when users apply the streaming media service in peak time .

  3. 辛蒂.雪曼的《无题电影停格》系列(1977-80),一直被视为女性主义艺术与后现代主义摄影的里程碑。

    Cindy Sherman 's Untitled Film Stills ( 1977-80 ) are a landmark body of work in the history of both the Feminist Art and postmodern photography .

  4. 在这种对流的背景下,北魏最终出现了停年格这一选举制度。

    And under the background of mutual moving , the Northern Wey created the system to elect officials by their suspension years at last .