
tíng zhǐ
  • cease;suspend;call off;halt;stop;pause;bring an end to;call of;end up;fetch up;leave off;wind up;quit;discontinue;standstill;desist;cessation;terminate;freeze;arrest;drop;cut out
停止 [tíng zhǐ]
  • [stop;cease;halt;suspend;pause;bring an end to;call of;end up;fetch up;leave off;wind up] 停下来,不再进行

  • 比赛因雨停止

  • 大街上的一切喧闹声突然停止了

停止[tíng zhǐ]
  1. 他们投票决定立即停止罢工。

    They voted to cease strike action immediately .

  2. 他命令手下停止射击。

    He ordered his men to cease fire .

  3. 他停止弹钢琴,应门去了。

    He left off playing the piano to answer the door .

  4. 这种行为必须停止——我讲清楚了吧?

    This behaviour must stop ─ do I make myself clear ?

  5. 如果让我选择,我明天就停止工作。

    If I had the choice , I would stop working tomorrow .

  6. 恐怖分子已经停止了他们凶残的暴力活动。

    The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence .

  7. 医生设法使她逐渐停止服用安眠药片。

    The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills .

  8. 明日公共汽车将因大桥停止通行而受影响。

    Bus services will be disrupted tomorrow because of the bridge closure .

  9. 我试图说服他停止服用镇静剂。

    I 've tried to get him to come off the tranquillizers .

  10. 他们应当停止从油轮上往海里倾倒废弃物。

    They should stop offloading waste from oil tankers into the sea .

  11. 线路接错导致机器停止运转。

    A faulty connection caused the machine to stop .

  12. 遇到紧急情况发动机便自动停止工作。

    The engines shut off automatically in an emergency .

  13. 他在送往医院途中停止了心跳。

    He arrested on the way to the hospital .

  14. 他命令士兵停止射击。

    He ordered his men to hold their fire .

  15. 政府宣布停止对外援助。

    The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid .

  16. 她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。

    She 's dropped most of her old friends .

  17. 他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视。

    They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment .

  18. 他们要求停止使用暴力的呼吁并无诚意。

    Their appeals for an end to the violence had a hollow ring .

  19. 他们同意停止大规模轰炸。

    They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign .

  20. 他们呼吁停止暴力。

    They have called for an end to violence .

  21. 他不得不停止划船,把船里的水舀出去。

    He had to stop rowing to bail water out of the boat .

  22. 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。

    Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities .

  23. 他死于心搏停止。

    He died after suffering a cardiac arrest .

  24. 这种硬币已停止流通。

    The coins were taken out of circulation .

  25. 他停止了对我们运动的支持。

    He withdrew his support for our campaign .

  26. 合并计划停止实行。

    Plans for a merger have been scotched .

  27. 酒吧停止营业,直到另行通知。

    The bar is closed until further notice .

  28. 汽车随惯性而下直至滑行停止。

    The car coasted along until it stopped .

  29. 公共汽车午夜停止服务。

    The bus service stops at midnight .

  30. 16岁停止学业的学生并非社会所需要。

    Students finishing their education at 16 is the very antithesis of what society needs .