
  • 网络Pause time;dwell time;dead time
  1. 在第2代收集时,用更多CPU周期和堆内存来换取更短的用户界面停顿时间。

    This is done by trading a little bit more CPU cycles and heap memory usage for shorter UI pause time when doing gen2 collections .

  2. 在体操教学中多采用静力性伸展练习以发展学生的柔韧性,本文试图通过对发展静力性柔韧性练习停顿时间10s和30s的实验进行分析研究。

    It is always used in gymnastics teaching . This paper makes the analysis and study through the experiment of the training of statical pliable and tough on the base of 10s and 30s pause time .

  3. 平均响应时间与应用程序吞吐量密切相关,而与GC停顿时间的关系不大。

    Mean response times are quite closely related to application throughput and not highly correlated to GC pause times .

  4. 务必注意GC停顿时间与应用程序响应时间不同。

    It is important to note that GC pause times are not the same thing as application response times .

  5. 当处于“record”模式时,这些停顿时间将被扩展为字符串并用于生成签名的密码散列。

    When in " record " mode , these dwell times are expanded into a string and used to generate a cryptographic hash of the signature .

  6. InfoQ:因此延迟清理GC的主要优势是更短的停顿时间?

    InfoQ : So is the main advantage of the lazy sweep GC shorter pause times ?

  7. 最大响应时间总是比最长GC停顿时间长,除非应用程序负载极低。

    The maximum response time is always longer than the longest GC pause , unless the application load is exceptionally low .

  8. 通过设置ApplicationServer的Java堆大小高效地管理内存:小的堆会导致频繁的垃圾收集,但是大的堆会导致停顿时间过长。

    Set the Java heap size of the Application Server to manage memory efficiently : A small heap can cause frequent garbage collection , but a large heap can result in longer pause times .

  9. 优化性能的一个明显方法是选择能够最小化垃圾收集停顿时间带来的消极影响的GC策略。

    One obvious way to optimize application performance is to choose a GC policy that minimizes any negative impact of garbage collection pauses .

  10. 在记录值(如果这些值不为零)后,如果有足够的样例数据,则计算R、S和T的平均停顿时间。

    After recording the values ( if they are not zero ), the average R , S , and T dwell times are computed if there are enough samples .

  11. 很多其他因素,包括I/O停顿时间、数据库等待时间、Web服务响应时间、网络延迟和任何其他外部交互都可能影响响应时间。

    Many other factors , including I / O pauses , database wait times , Web service response times , network delays , and any other external interaction may also contribute to the response time .

  12. optavgpause:针对平均GC停顿时间进行优化。

    Optavgpause : Optimizes for the average GC pause .

  13. 虽然是围绕三个按键的停顿时间构建的,但是xev程序和本文介绍的代码将允许监视XWindowSystem的键盘(和鼠标)交互的所有方面。

    Although built around dwell times for three keys , the xev program and the code described herein allow you to monitor all aspects of keyboard ( and mouse ) X Window System interaction .

  14. 具体分析了GaAs间隔层厚度,生长停顿时间以及InAs淀积量对发光峰波长的影响。

    The effects of the thickness of GaAs space layer , the growth interruption time and the amount of InAs deposition on the emission wavelength of columnal islands were presented .

  15. verboseGC日志包括堆的大小,gencon策略中的堆划分信息、停顿时间、对象结束和清除的引用。

    The verbose GC log includes heap sizes , information about the division of the heap in the gencon policy , pause timings , object finalizations , and references cleared .

  16. 当长存区域将空间消耗完,并且不需要对整个堆进行并发收集时,gencon停顿时间会达到最大值。

    The spike in the gencon pause times happens when the tenured area runs out of room , and a non-concurrent collection of the whole heap is required .

  17. 此案例中未展示gencon策略,因为在此工作负载下,该策略提供的停顿时间比optavgpause停顿时间大,而吞吐量比optthruput吞吐量更小。

    The gencon policy was not shown in this case study because for this workload , it gave pause times greater than the optavgpause pause times and throughput poorer than the optthruput throughput .

  18. 传递给mkpasswd的每个字符串都是从单个按键停顿时间一直到用户名中每个记录字母的停顿时间逐级构建的。

    Each string passed to mkpasswd is built level by level from a single key dwell time all the way up to a dwell time for each recorded letter in the user name .

  19. 通过引入较长停顿时间,采用分子束外延循环生长方法在350℃低温获得了一种横向聚合的InAs自组织量子点,在荧光光谱中观察到1.55μm波长的发光峰。

    A new kind of lateral associated self-assembled InAs quantum dots ( QDs ) was grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy at low substrate temperature of 350 ℃ with long time interruption in cycling deposition . In photoluminescence ( PL ) spectra , 1.55 μ m light emission is observed .

  20. 停顿时间越长,过量沉积也就越多。

    The longer the duration of standstill , the more excessive deposition .

  21. 两个脉冲周期之间的停顿时间,称为循环间隔。

    Pause time between the two pulse cycles is call as cycle interval .

  22. 因为需要处理的对象更少,所以停顿时间也会降低。

    Because there are fewer objects to flip , the pause time goes down .

  23. 垃圾收集停顿时间是任何线程遇到的最显著的延迟。

    The garbage collection pause times are the most significant delays any threads encounter .

  24. 运用循环定型技术,减少模具停顿时间。省时省电。

    It uses the circular molding technology to reduce the standstill time and save electricity .

  25. 如果收集器每次收集都要清理数千个引用,那么停顿时间会受到影响。

    If the collector has to clear thousands of references every collection , pause times suffer .

  26. 任何需要可靠的低停顿时间(业务关键应用)或者超大堆的领域。

    Anywhere you need reliable low pause times in business critical apps or very large heaps .

  27. 筘座的运动(包括停顿时间)被积极控制。

    The motion of the sley , including its period of dwell , is positively controlled .

  28. 就是指问题和回答之间的停顿时间

    It 's the time between when a question is asked and the answer is given .

  29. 将计算并返回整个缓冲中的每个按键停顿时间的平均值。

    The average value for each key dwell time for the entire buffer is computed and returned .

  30. 停顿时间是用户的手指按住按键的时间段。

    The dwell time is the period in which the user 's finger holds the key down .