
  • 网络stopword;stop word
  1. 在文本预处理部分实现了中文、外文和特殊字符的分离,同时实现了停止词(stopword)的删除。

    In the part of text pretreatment , has realized separation of Chinese , foreign and the special character , and has realized deletion of " stop word " .

  2. 停止词(stopword)表、同义词表和保护词表的配置被放到外部文件中

    External file-based configuration of stopword lists , synonym lists , and protected word lists

  3. 通告还要求约翰以任何方式停止使用gap一词。

    The notice also ordered John to stop using the word in any manner .

  4. 昨日他提交一份附加请求,要求经销商在推销特斯拉汽车时停止使用Autopilot一词,并就虚假宣传产品道歉。

    He additionally filed a request yesterday , asking that the dealership stop using the word Autopilot when promoting Tesla vehicles and apologise for falsely promoting the product .

  5. 我想更大声地说应该停止使用专横这个词而把女权主义者带回来因为我们需要它。

    I think I would say in a louder voice , we need to get rid of the word bossy nd bring back the word feminist , because we need it .

  6. 为了践行她重塑感知的信念,她发起了“禁止专横”的运动,旨在鼓励人们停止使用专横一词,因为该词往往作为贬义词用在女孩身上。

    In line with her view on the reshaping of perceptions she has contributed to the Ban Bossy campaign which aims to encourage people to stop using the word bossy as it has negative connotations when applied to girls .