
  • 网络Search Term;search query
  1. 在“tool”(工具)下输入工具编号或名称或搜索词。

    Enter the tool number or the name or search term under " tool " .

  2. 输入一个搜索词并按enter。

    Enter a search term and press enter .

  3. 搜索词的表述方式与我们大多数人熟悉的Web搜索语法非常相似。

    The search expression works a lot like the web search syntax that most of us are familiar with .

  4. 这个功能是用内置函数contains()实现的,这个函数以一个上下文和搜索词作为参数。

    This functionality is implemented with the contains () built-in function , which takes a context and a search term as parameters .

  5. EnhancedFacesJavaScriptLibrarybackchannel对象在后台将搜索词提交到服务器端。

    The Enhanced Faces JavaScript Library backchannel object submits the search term to the server in the background .

  6. 如果没有获得针对此搜索词的结果,可以将$string设置为等于“Nomatches!”

    If you don 't get results for the search term , set $ string to equal " No matches !"

  7. 如果现在输入一个搜索词并按Search按钮,您不会得到结果列表,反而会被重定向到帮助页面。

    If you now enter a search term and press the Search button , you do not receive a result list & rather , you are redirected to the Help page .

  8. 使用LIKE让搜索词能匹配名字和电话这两个字段,然后使用mysqlquery()运行此查询。

    You 'll make it so that your search term is matched against both the name and phone fields using LIKE , then run the query using mysql_query () .

  9. 用户输入搜索词并点击Search按钮后,控制转移到Bonita的业务流程引擎。

    After the user enters a search keyword and clicks the Search button , control is transferred to Bonita 's business process engine .

  10. 输入搜索词并单击Search按钮,您将注意到一个非常有Ajax风格的响应:搜索结果直接显示出来,并没有页面重新装载过程。

    Enter in a search term and click the Search button , and you 'll notice a very Ajaxian response : the search results come up without a page reload .

  11. 您将要创建的示例应用程序允许用户输入一个搜索词,并同时在Google和Twitter上搜索,随后显示合并后的结果。

    The sample application that you 'll create lets the user enter a search term , searching both Google and Twitter , and then display the combined results .

  12. 这些过滤器以“:”开头,表明它们是jQuery搜索词中的过滤器。

    These further filters all start with a ":" to denote that they are the filters in the jQuery search term .

  13. 不幸的是,我们无法计算结果的数量,我们必须遍历每一个页面,引起Twitter对搜索词的多次不必要的点击。

    Unfortunately we can 't just count the number of results , we have to step through each page , causing Twitter unpleasant multiple hits on the search term .

  14. 除了这些数组遍历函数之外,jQuery还提供了一些函数,使您可以查找嵌套在搜索词周围的元素。

    In addition to these array traversal functions , jQuery also offers functions that let you find elements nested right around your search terms .

  15. 我选择使用striptags()和substr()函数来删除搜索词内的所有HTML标记并对之进行简化。

    I 'm choosing to use the strip_tags () and substr () functions to remove all HTML tags from the search term and to cut it down to size .

  16. 这种犯罪太常见了,在youtube上随便输入搜索词:手机盗窃,会发现大量的抢劫手机的视频。

    A crime so common , that type in " cell phonetheft " on Youtube , and you 'll find tons of surveillance video of people having their phones ripped off .

  17. 如果Lucene在索引项信息文件中发现有索引项和搜索词相匹配。

    If Lucene finds a term that matches the search word in the term information file , it will visit the list in the frequency file to find which documents contain the term .

  18. GvideoSearch:该对象查找与搜索词相关的视频。

    GvideoSearch : This object looks for video related to your search terms .

  19. 搜索词在网页快照中突出显示。

    Your search terms are highlighted on the cached version .

  20. 基本质问:用空格分开你的搜索词。

    Basic query : separate your search terms with spaces .

  21. 检索包含搜索词的全部术语。

    Retrieve all terms that contain the search term .

  22. 按钮从搜索词的一个实例跳转到其他实例。

    Buttons to jump from one instance of the search term to another .

  23. 你只需要输入搜索词或一个问题,

    where you enter a search term or a question

  24. 需要能够为此脚本提供一个搜索词。

    You need to be able to feed this script a search term .

  25. 你看到每个搜索词已指派一名祺价值。

    You 'll notice that each search term has been assigned a Kei value .

  26. 多键入几个搜索词。

    Type a few more search words .

  27. 结果中包括用户友好的功能,如搜索词突出显示、重复项折叠和同义词建议。

    Results include user-friendly features such as hit highlighting , duplicate collapsing , and synonym suggestion .

  28. 帮助学生认识怎样用关键词作为资料的索引或搜索词。

    Helping students to understand how to find the key word for an index or search engine .

  29. 我们会首先在结果里,特别是在结果的标题里面寻找搜索词。

    We scan the results looking first for the query , usually in the title of the results .

  30. 中国官员通常不讨论互联网限制问题,受限制的搜索词被视为国家机密处理。

    Chinese officials don 't discuss Internet restrictions , and restricted search terms are treated as state secrets .