
  • 网络Ranking algorithm
  1. 根据这一语义计算排名算法模型,建造一个英文信息检索实验原型系统。

    Grounded on the ranking algorithm model for semantic computing , a retrieval experiment prototype system for English information is built .

  2. 第四:百度排名算法是基于网络为基础的,较少关心整个网站的主题。

    Fourth : Baidu ranking algorithm is based on web-based , relatively little attention to the theme of the entire site .

  3. Google的排名算法分析

    Analysis Of The Google Rank Algorithm

  4. 信息排名算法研究与CFML实现

    Research and Implement by CFML on Information Order Arithmetic

  5. 针对现在主流的主题相关网页排名算法HITS的不足,本文提出了基于引力模型的排名算法G-HITS。

    Against shortcomings of mainstream topic-dependent web page ranking algorithms , this thesis proposes an attractive force model based ranking algorithm , G-HITS .

  6. 后来的搜索引擎Goolge利用自己的全局网页排名算法PageRank,较好的解决了结果的排名。

    The latest search engine , Google , has solved the problem with its global PageRank algorithm to some extent .

  7. 在深入研究了搜索引擎排名算法的相关理论和技术的基础上,我们提出了搜索引擎排名算法在文献检索系统中的一个应用:基于PageRank的科技文献质量评价算法。

    On the basis of investigating theory and technology of ranking algorithms , we also propose a PageRank based algorithm for scientific literature quality evaluation , which is an application of search engine ranking algorithm in literature retrieval system .

  8. 搜索引擎优化技术通过对搜索引擎排名算法的研究,成为一种有助于提高在线销售业绩的网络营销技术。

    Search engine optimization research search engine ranking algorithms , and become a network marketing techniques to help increase online sales .

  9. 主要内容概括如下:1.首先对搜索引擎排名算法做了详细的总结分析。

    The main contents of this thesis are as follows : 1 . Summarize and analyze the ranking algorithms of search engine .

  10. 作弊者为了达到他们的目的,会仔细研究搜索引擎的排名算法,找出排名依据的主要因素加以利用。

    In order to achieve their goal , spammers will carefully study the ranking algorithms to find ways to take advantage of them .

  11. 搜索引擎排名算法负责将最有价值的网页优先推荐给用户,它在提高检索服务质量方面起着重要作用。

    Search engine ranking algorithm recommends user the most valuable web pages in priority , and it helps to enhance the quality of search service .

  12. 同时我们也需要创建一个排名算法来决定用户搜索到的相关信息的价值大小。

    We also need to create ranking algorithms which are able to determine the value to searchers of a given site in relation to their query .

  13. 针对面向查询的排名算法的不足提出了面向用户的重排名算法。

    Effective semantic disambiguation has been made in personalized search process . ( 5 ) A user-oriented re-ranking algorithm is suggested against the query-oriented ranking algorithm deficiency .

  14. 此次调查针对的是谷歌的搜索广告业务及其搜索排名算法。据估计,谷歌占据欧洲搜索广告业务90%的份额。

    The inquiry is into Google 's search advertising , a business in which it is estimated to have a 90 per cent share in Europe , and its search ranking algorithms .

  15. 然而搜索引擎排名算法目前面临着一个严重问题,那就是搜索引擎作弊。

    This kind of ranking principle can be used in many other information retrieval systems . However , search engine ranking algorithm faces with a serious problem , which is called web spam .

  16. 我们能够使用的最好排名算法主要依靠站长对于网络的行为模式。而站长可能还没有意识他们的行为对于搜索引擎产生了一定的作用。

    The best ranking algorithms we can use depend on models of Webmaster behavior on the network , where the Webmasters are not cognizant of the effect that their behavior has on the search engines .

  17. 不是我是要你那个给象棋选手做排名的算法

    No , I need the algorithm you use to rank chess players .

  18. 翻译成中文的大致意思是:如果其他方法都不成功,排名演算法没能达到信心门槛的话,我们就返回人工选择的搜索结果。

    When all else fails , and the ranking algorithms do not pass the confidence threshold , we fall back to delivering handcrafted results .

  19. 马斯表示:最终,这关乎谷歌用来创建搜索结果排名的算法有多透明。

    Mr Maas said : In the end it relates to how transparent the algorithms are that Google uses to rank its search results .

  20. 谷歌是全球覆盖范围最广的搜索引擎,其将从周二开始修改其搜索排名的算法,新的算法将青睐那些“移动友好”网站,同时那些未能满足标准的网站的排名将出现下滑。

    The world 's most popular search engine will on Tuesday start updating its secret formula for ranking sites to favour those are " mobile friendly , " while demoting sites that fail to meet its criteria .

  21. 马斯表示:“最终,这关乎谷歌用来创建搜索结果排名的算法有多透明。当一家搜索引擎对于经济发展产生如此重大的影响时,我们必须解决这个问题。”

    Mr Maas said : " In the end it relates to how transparent the algorithms are that Google uses to rank its search results . When a search engine has such an impact on economic development , this is an issue we have to address . "

  22. 由于搜索引擎的排名规则及算法是是在不断改变中的,而且这些规则和算法又是商业机密,所以不可能达到保证排在某几位的效果的。

    As the search engine ranking rules and algorithms are constantly changing , and these rules and algorithms also is a commercial secret , it is impossible to guarantee in a row of several effects .

  23. 今天,我们继续我们长期的系列博客文章,分享我们的搜索排名,评价和算法的变化背后的方法和过程。

    Today we 're continuing our long-standing series of blog posts to share the methodology and process behind our search ranking , evaluation and algorithmic changes .