
pái wài
  • exclusive;exclusion;antiforeign;oppose everything foreign
排外 [pái wài]
  • [exclusion;antiforeign] 排斥外国、外地或本党派、本集团以外的人

排外[pái wài]
  1. 她所处的社交圈子很排外。

    She was part of an exclusive social circle .

  2. 但一直努力着让更多的黑人西班牙裔和低收入家庭的学生进入高等数学领域,希望能改变高水平竞争者的人口池,使其不再那么排外。

    But efforts are in place to expose more black , Hispanic , and low-income students to advanced math , in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less exclusive .

  3. 他发现这所学校很排外并以精英自居。

    He found the school very cliquey and elitist .

  4. 英国媒体掌握在一群排外的人手中。

    The British media is in the hands of clubby men .

  5. 该地居民紧密抱团,狭隘排外。

    Its inhabitants are a close and incestuous lot

  6. 他谴责那些政客为了获得右翼人士的选票而煽动排外情绪。

    He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes

  7. 政治是排外的,充满野心的,只顾自己不顾他人的。

    Politics is clubby , careerist , and cynical

  8. 医院是非常狭隘排外的地方。

    Hospitals are very incestuous places .

  9. 独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目排外。

    Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world , nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign .

  10. 如果要显得更“书呆”一点,“雷蒙斯”那首大胆讽刺小圈子排外的《我不愿意和你一块儿走》(IDon’tWannaWalkAroundWithYou)也很合适。

    a geekier alternate might have been the Ramones " bratty satire of in-group exclusivity , " I Don 't Wanna Walk Around With You . "

  11. 方法选择1997~2004年肢体三度烧伤患者157例作为A组,1991~1996年肢体三度烧伤患者80例作为B组,排外电烧伤、热挤压伤等深三度烧伤。

    Methods Except electric burn and hot extrusion injury , 157 patients from 1997 to 2004 year and 40 patients from 1991 to 1996 with full thickness limbs burn in our department were selected as group A and B respectively .

  12. 排外行动的爆发,体现了一个矛盾和几个“神话”。

    This outbreak of defensiveness embodies one paradox and several myths .

  13. 在这个高度排外、移民身份受到攻击的时刻,

    In this heightened moment of xenophobia and assault on immigrant identity ,

  14. 这种开放式的方法与一些大学的封闭排外形成了有利的对比。

    The open approach contrasts favourably with the exclusivity of some universities .

  15. 黑曜石:玩家实际上会发现瑞什曼的人很排外。

    Obsidian : You will indeed find the Rashemi to be xenophobic .

  16. 他们的排外言论得到了左右两派的选票。

    Their xenophobic tunes have been taking votes from left and right .

  17. 一个庞大的、不排外的市场开门揖客。

    A big , receptive market is on the doorstep .

  18. 一个有着共同目的的排外的圈子。

    An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose .

  19. 法国内政部谴责该行径,将其视为排外。

    French interior ministry has condemned the act as an act of xenophobia .

  20. 排外食管恶性肿瘤或慢性食管瘘患者。

    Excluded were patients with an esophageal malignancy or a chronic esophageal fistula .

  21. 文明排外与赎路情结

    Cultural xenophobia and the complex of redeeming the railways

  22. 他说,排外暴力活动的受害者聚集在那些地方是因为他们感觉比较安全。

    He says victims of violence are congregating there because they feel safer .

  23. 匿名性是这类网络的一大诱人之处;另外就是排外性。

    One part of the allure is anonymity ; the other is exclusivity .

  24. 一个排外性的俱乐部不易接纳新会员。

    An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers .

  25. 不幸的是,他有排外情绪,不信任任何非英国的东西。

    He unfortunately has a xenophobic mistrust of everything that isn 't british .

  26. 她认为,耶鲁-新加坡国立大学是“排外的”。

    Yale-NUS is " exclusive , " she argues .

  27. 我们热爱和平,对这些天发生的排外罪行,我们深恶痛绝。

    We love peace , we detest and despise the racists'crimes perpetrated recently .

  28. 应当注意到,不同的机制并不完全是排外的。

    It should be noted that the various mechanisms are not at all exclusive .

  29. 他们不是一个偏执排外的民族。

    It 's not true that they 're a nation of bigots and xenophobes .

  30. 排外情绪也可能起到一定作用。

    Anti-foreign sentiment can also play a part .