
  1. 妈富隆治疗无排卵型功血37例

    Analysis of 37 cases of anovulatory functional bleeding treated by marvelon

  2. 目的探讨治疗无排卵型功血的简单、有效的方法。

    Objective To explore a convenient and effective treatment method for anovulatory functional bleeding .

  3. 中医药治疗无排卵型功血系统评价

    Evaluation of TCM in Treating Anovulatory Functional Bleeding

  4. 并对50例无排卵型功血进行临床疗效观察(附30例西药对照组)。

    We observed 50 cases suffering from anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( including 30 cases of western medicine control group ) .

  5. 西医治疗无排卵型功血容易复发且激素治疗有较多副作用,手术治疗创伤大。

    TCM treatment of anovulatory functional blood easily relapse and have more side effects of hormone therapy , surgical treatment of major trauma .

  6. 良性疾病中以子宫肌瘤最常见,占48.8%,非器质性疾病中主要为无排卵型功血,占79.4%;

    Uterine neoplasms in benign causes were the most common ( 48.8 % ) . Anovulatory functional bleeding in nonorganic causes were main ( 79.4 % ) .

  7. 目的调查有排卵型功血患者中医辨证分型的状况,为开展中医药防治提供科学依据和对策。

    Aim : to study contribution law of TCM syndrome pattern of425 ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding patients and provide scientific basis and measures to carry out TCM prevention and treatment .

  8. 目的:观察滋肾固冲方治疗肾阴虚型青春期无排卵型功血非出血期调经的临床疗效,并初步探讨其作用机制。

    Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy of Zi Shen Gu Chong ( ZSGC ) Decoction in treating the non-bleeding phase of adolescent anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding and to explore its mechanism .

  9. 本病分为无排卵型功血和有排卵型功血两种,前者是排卵功能发生障碍,好发于青春期及更年期;

    This ill cent has oviposit result blood to be mixed without oviposit result blood two kinds , former it is oviposit function produces an obstacle , good hair reaches the turn of life at adolescence ;