
  • 网络line dance;line dancing;breaking
  1. 建立可行的高校排舞培训机制。

    Establish feasible training mechanism of line dance in University . 3 .

  2. 排舞是一种舞蹈,也是一种运动,更是一种文化。

    Line dance is a dance , is also a kind of movement , is also a kind of culture .

  3. 全健排舞起源于WesternCountryDance(西部乡村舞蹈)。

    Full Kin Dance originated in Western Country Dance ( country and western dance ) .

  4. 健身排舞运动项目优势突出,在西安市的发展前景良好。

    Line dance has a good prospect in Xi ' an .

  5. 健身排舞在西安市得到了参与者的肯定和喜爱。

    Line dance is supported and loved by its participants .

  6. 斗篷加上排箫再加上那笨拙的排舞

    The poncho plus the flute plus the stupid dance --

  7. 健身排舞的理论资料偏少但录像教学资料非常丰富。

    Fitness line dance theories material scarce but video teaching material is very rich .

  8. 调查表明,排舞运动适和在普通高校开展。

    Survey shows that line dance movement is suit to develop in colleges and universities .

  9. 因此,健身排舞将会被更多的人所接受喜欢,成为全民健身项目的热点,发挥其吏大的作用。

    Therefore , line dance will be accepted by more people and become the hot favorite .

  10. 80s.首先,是去“树丛”俱乐部跳排舞,80年代西南风格那种

    First , there 's line dancing at the Grove . Very Southwest , mid - "

  11. 广西排舞运动的开展尚处于起步阶段,其中柳州的排舞开展较好。

    The campaign of line dance is still at the initial stage in Guangxi , Liuzhou line dance better .

  12. 排舞团队将会在今年七月到十月到全国各大城市进行形式多样的乡村排舞表演。

    This line dancer team will travel and perform in many different events from July through October , 2011 .

  13. 排舞教学的方法和手段比较单一,既教师讲解、示范、学生练习为主。

    Line dance teaching method and means is so only , that is the teacher explained , demonstration and the students practiced .

  14. 近几年来,排舞如雨后春笋般在我国各地破土而生,并逐步进入到高校课堂。

    In recent years , line dance breaks out like bamboo shoots after a spring rain in our country , and gradually into the university classroom .

  15. 结果表明:1.西安市高校排舞课程的开展率较低,发展态势不均衡。

    The results show that : 1 . Line dance courses of Xi ' an University are in the lower rate and the development trend is unbalanced .

  16. 此类退休社区组织大家进行跳排排舞,玩草地保龄球,以及上计算机课等活动,因此越来越受到众多有“闲”之士们的欢迎。

    Activities like line dancing , lawn bowling , and computer classes make such retirement communities increasingly popular among people with decades of free time to fill .

  17. 西安市高校排舞课场地条件较好,大都在室内进行,学生比较满意。

    The conditions of line dance site are good in Xi ' an University , the sites are mostly in the interior and students are more satisfied . 4 .

  18. 不管你是想要减肥,学习如何做中国菜或者学习如何排舞,给自己定一些目标,并且和另一半讨论你的这些目标。

    Whether you want to lose weight , learn how to prepare Chinese food , or learn how to line dance , set some goals for yourself and discuss those goals with your partner .

  19. 通过参加排舞运动能够促进身体健康,还可以在参加排舞运动过程中通过团体沟通合作,可有效改善人际关系,促进人际和谐。

    By attending line dance movement can promote body health , still can participate in line dance movement process through the group can effectively improve communication cooperation , interpersonal relations , and promote interpersonal harmony .

  20. 通过查阅网站、图书馆及大型书店,搜索出有关于健身排舞的论文四十二篇,书籍仅一本,但录像教学资料三百余部,相当丰富。

    Through consulting website , libraries and large bookstores , search out about fitness line dance papers and articles , books , but only a more than 300 video teaching materials , quite rich . 5 .

  21. 河南省普通高校开展排舞选修课有了一定学生基础大部分学生比较喜爱排舞运动,能够接受排舞的运动方式、动作特点、组织形式。

    Henan ordinary university to carry out the line dance elective students have a certain based most of the students prefer line dance movement , can accept line dance movement way , action characteristics and organizational form .

  22. 普通高校开设排舞选修课对场地器材要求不是很高,河南省普通高校已经基本具备了开设排舞选修课的场地、器材等硬件设施。

    Ordinary college offers line dance to the location equipment electives demand is not very high , Henan province has been basically has the ordinary university open line dance elective venue , equipment and other hardware facilities . 3 .

  23. 通过对西安市举办的健身排舞培训班和健身排舞比赛分析发现,西安市仅举办过一次健身排舞培训班,而比赛一次也没有,这远远落后于企事业单位和工会组织。

    Based on the fitness line dance held xian training or fitness line dance game analysis found that fitness line dance training college only once , and game held once did far behind , the business unit and trade unions .

  24. 各个高校排舞教学内容大多是以教师在排舞有关培训中所学内容为主,包括基本舞步、动作术语、排舞简介等等有关知识。

    The teaching contents of line dance are chosen by each college are mostly based on the content what teachers have learned in the line dance training , including basic steps , action terms , line dance profiles and so on . 3 .

  25. 在纳什维尔,乡村音乐依然长盛不衰,你甚至可以在繁华的街头某个酒吧门外的人行道上,看到一个年轻的家庭大白天在演练排舞。他们个个都穿着牛仔靴,连刚学会走路的幼童也不例外。

    Country music is alive and well in Nashville ; you might even see a young family in broad daylight practicing their line dancing on the sidewalk outside a bar downtown - all in cowboy boots , including the toddler who just learned to walk .