
pái shuǐ xínɡ chuán
  • displacement boat
  1. 船型生成高速排水型船支架空化观测

    The Generation of Ship Hull Form Observation of Cavitation for a High-speed Displacement Ship

  2. 给出一种基于高速细长体理论的预报高速排水型船在波浪上运动性能的数值方法。

    A numerical method is presented for predicting the motion characteristics of high speed displacement vessels .

  3. 高速排水型船的运动性能预报

    Motion characteristics of fast displacement vessels

  4. 单臂支架的应用试验对象是一艘高速排水型船,观测区域是单臂支架和双臂支架。

    Application of single-arm shaft bracket The observation area is around the single bracked and twin bracked .

  5. 在国内排水型登陆运输船领域内,首次获得了Fr>0.5速度范围内的剩余阻力系数Cr的分布曲线。

    This results in first creation of distribution curve of residual resistance coefficient Cr in the Fr > 0 . 5 speed range in the design of displacement type landing transport ship in China .

  6. 采用基于NURBS的广义边界元法对排水型单体船、双体船、三体船的兴波波形及中近场尾浪进行数值模拟。

    Numerical calculations of ship wave making resistance and wave pattern in near field for high speed displacement monohull , catamaran and trimaran by a NURBS based generalized boundary element method are studied .

  7. 几种排水型高性能船阻力性能对比研究

    Comparison of resistance for several displacement high performance vehicle

  8. 采用横向流方法对常规高速排水型单体船所受的粘性影响进行修正。

    The physical model of cross flow channel and mathematic model of the atomization were built .

  9. 发展了基于二维半理论的预报排水型单体船在波浪上的水动力特征及运动性能的方法。

    A method for predicting the hydrodynamic property and motion of high-speed displacement mono-hull ship based on2 .

  10. 消波型高速船是介于排水型、滑行型船之间的一种优化过渡型船型,具有优良的快速性能,目前已广泛应用于内河及沿海。

    The wave-deducted high speed ship is a optimizing semi-transom stern ship between displacement type ship and planing ship , and it possesses fine resistance performance . Presently it has been extensively used in inland waters and coast .