
pái duì
  • line up;wait in line;stand in line;queue up;queuing up;classify;form a line
排队 [pái duì]
  • [line up] 呈现整齐的线形排列

  • 排队等待检查

  • (1) [queuing up]

  • (2) 数据等待接收和延迟,例如计算机处理过程中的作业或自动化生产线中的对象等

  • (3) 分立的单元穿过通道的运动,例如到达计算机的程序或数据,或在交通拥挤的公路上的运动

排队[pái duì]
  1. NET平台,与医院的HIS系统连接,将挂号、付款、取药、化验与排队结合起来,实现就诊过程的多媒体管理。

    NET terrace , and conjoin with the HIS system of the hospital , will register , payment , take a medicine , analyze and line up to see a doctor knot to put together , carry out a multi-media management of seek medical advice the process .

  2. 中国人是世界上最早一批在书店门口排队购买这本由沃尔特?艾萨克森(WalterIsaacson)撰写的传记的人。

    People in China were among the first in the world to line up at book stores to purchase a copy of the biography , written by Walter Isaacson .

  3. 我只得排队等着上厕所。

    I had to join a queue for the toilets .

  4. 我可不想失去排队的位置。

    I don 't want to lose my place in the line .

  5. 他们排队等候时紧张地傻笑着。

    They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn .

  6. 政府已许诺减少排队看病者的人数。

    The government has promised to cut hospital waiting lists .

  7. 汽车排队等候上船。

    Cars lined up waiting to board the ship .

  8. 剧院外已经在排队了。

    Queues were already forming outside the theatre .

  9. 等出租车在这里排队。

    Queue here for taxis .

  10. 排队等候太烦人。

    It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue .

  11. 有34人在排队投票时遭到残杀。

    Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes

  12. 他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。

    Their health-care system suffers from queues , shortages and ropey equipment .

  13. 排队购买食品的长龙已成了全国各地每日可见的景象。

    The food queues have become a daily occurrence across the country .

  14. 在银行里一定要排队。

    Make sure you join the queue inside the bank .

  15. 晚上仍然有人在排队买票。

    There was still a queue for tickets on the night

  16. 排队申请上这所学校的人数达到历史最高峰。

    The queue for places at the school has never been longer .

  17. 看到人们排队买食品是件新鲜事。

    Seeing people queuing for food was a novelty

  18. 孩子们排队从校舍去餐厅吃午饭。

    The children walk in crocodiles from the schoolhouse to the dining-room for lunch .

  19. 数千选民排队登记投票。

    Thousands lined up to register to vote

  20. 她排队等公共汽车。

    She waited in the bus queue

  21. 没有比你只想存几张支票还得排队更令人恼火的了。

    There is nothing more annoying than queueing when you only want to pay in a few cheques .

  22. 早至今天早晨6点、离投票开始还有1个小时,选民就开始在投票点排队。

    Voters were lining up at polling places as early as 6.00 this morning , an hour before voting started .

  23. 我们在入口处排队参观展览。

    We queued up at the entrance for the exhibition .

  24. 当地民众排队给地震灾区捐款。

    The local people lined up to donate money to the earthquake-hit area .

  25. 请排队挂号。

    Please queue up to register .

  26. 我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影。

    I hate lining up in the cold to go to a cinema .

  27. 他不排队强行加塞。

    He muscled into the queue .

  28. 当博物馆重新开馆时,人们排队等着看《蒙娜丽莎》留下的空位,而这幅画本身甚至都没有过这样的待遇。

    When the museum reopened , people queued to see the gap where the " Mona Lisa " had once hung in a way they had never done for the painting itself .

  29. 在卢浮宫里排队参观保护在防弹箱里《蒙娜丽莎》之后,他困惑地走了出来:为什么人们认为它比前一个房间里无人问津的其他三个列奥纳多优越呢?

    After queuing to see the " Mona Lisa " in its climate - controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre , he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber , to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention ?

  30. 重新考虑你在咖啡馆排队买咖啡的15分钟。

    Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee .