
pái qiǎn
  • divert oneself from;dispel;distract one's mind form;divert oneself from loneliness or boredom
排遣 [pái qiǎn]
  • [divert oneself from loneliness or boredom] 指消除寂寞和烦闷

  • 谁言易排遣?自分不胜任。--元好问《怀益之兄》

排遣[pái qiǎn]
  1. 现在木已成舟,她才清醒过来,感到心中有一种难以排遣的思家之痛。

    Now that the deed was done , she realized this with a wave of homesickness hard to dispel .

  2. 尽管如此,一想到还要走下去的崎呕山路,笼罩在心头的那种强烈的无助感便无法排遣。

    But nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness that overwhelmed me whenever I contemplated the frowning mountains that lay ahead .

  3. 经受了这种苦难的孩子应该去咨询在排遣丧亲之痛方面有着丰富经验的辅导人员。

    Children who have suffered like this should see a counsellor experienced in bereavement

  4. 他闲得无聊,只好去看场电影排遣排遣。

    Time lay heavily on his hands , so he went to the cinema to divert himself .

  5. 最近,通过遛白菜来排遣寂寞成为他们结交新朋友的一种方式,遛白菜的年轻人之间可以用白菜来挑起话题。

    And the sight of them out ' walking ' the cabbages in a bid pets as a way to start up conversations with each other .

  6. Damon发泄挫折感和多余精力的方式和常人无异。但是与常人不同的是他的排遣方式有时是有破坏性的,会让某些人受伤。

    Damons way of letting out frustration and excess energy is not that different than anybodys . [ But ] whats different about it is that his is quite destructive at times , and it leads to someone getting hurt .

  7. 对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。

    Talking money was a form of mental suspension for miles .

  8. 读书帮他排遣了生病时的无聊。

    Reading helped to relieve the boredom while he was ill .

  9. 她痛哭流涕以排遣心中的苦恼。

    She vented the anguish of her heart in bitter tears .

  10. 据说他无法排遣他丧妻之痛。

    They say he can 't get over his wife 's death .

  11. 在大都市迷人的黄昏时刻,我有时感到一种难以排遣的寂寞。

    At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes .

  12. 写作是我排遣寂寞的唯一方法。

    Writing was the only way to relieve my loneliness .

  13. 这些书有利于排遣等待时的无聊。

    The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting .

  14. 我藉著看小说来排遣漫长的旅。

    I beguiled my long journey by reading novels .

  15. 工作是排遣寂寞的一个好办法。

    Working is a good way to overcome loneliness .

  16. 这时候游泳也许是最好的排遣。

    Swimming is good for working off stress .

  17. 哭泣是人类为排遣痛苦而体验出来的重要方法之一。

    Crying is one of the important ways we have developed to alleviate stress .

  18. 男友走后,无论什么都不能排遣我的失落感。

    After my boyfriend went away , nothing distracted me from my sense of loss .

  19. 菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。

    Phoebe helps Monica try to relax .

  20. 它不是排遣忧愁一定是坏的,但是你应该给自己的参数。

    It 's not that self-medicating is necessarily bad & but you should give yourself parameters .

  21. 打那以后,他们经常在一起谈笑,以排遣苦闷的时光。

    They had many interesting talks together , after that , as the dreary days went on .

  22. 他没有朋友,而是转向网吧排遣寂寞,他说。

    He has no friends , he says , and turns to Internet cafes toward off loneliness .

  23. 作家组织固然可以排遣他们的孤独,但是我怀疑它们是否能够促进作家的创作。

    Organizations for writers palliate the writer 's loneliness , but I doubt if they improve his writing .

  24. 原始蒙古人认为三段式时间,也可以用来发泄和排遣怨恨和不满情绪。

    The primitive Mongolians thought that they could use " Three-Number Time " to express their discontent and resentment .

  25. 年轻人喜欢打台球,耍扑克,这些可以排遣因日常工作中的缺失而淤在心中的郁闷。

    And young men like billiards and cards , which take their minds off the imbecility of everyday work .

  26. 根据马克思主义的、资产阶级的、货币主义等的思想体系.对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。

    According to Marxist , bourgeois , monetarist , etc ideology Talking money was a form of mental suspension for Miles .

  27. 兄弟姐妹的互相关心照顾能减轻我们所承受的疼痛和苦难,排遣我们所经历的压抑和失望。

    Brother looking after brother and sister looking after sister helps to ease the pain , suffering , oppression and disappointment we experience .

  28. 知识青年上山下乡政策之历史性反思她努力排遣涌上心头的思乡之情。

    Historical Retrospect on the Policy of School Leavers Going to the Countryside She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home-sickness .

  29. 一种健康无碍的排遣行为;毫不顾忌的神父;新的股票市场没有受到传统的妨碍。

    An outlet for healthy and unhampered action ; a priest unhampered by scruple ; the new stock market was unhampered by tradition .

  30. 对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。财政政策和货币政策是调控经济的两种宏观手段。

    Talking money was a form of mental suspension for Miles . Financial policy and monetary policy are two kinds of macroscopical means to control economy .