
  • 网络financial model;finance model
  1. 基于我国农村金融供需现状、信用环境、制度的均衡性以及金融模式是其主要矛盾。

    Based on the real conditions of the supplies and needs , we find that the main problems lie in the credit environment , the balance of the system , and the finance model .

  2. 本文从理论分析,实践分析和量化分析的角度论述了汽车产业与汽车金融的关系,汽车金融服务不能离开汽车产业,汽车金融模式的设计也需要从汽车产业的角度出发。

    Automobile financing services can not leave the auto industry so the auto finance model designs from the point of view of the automotive industry .

  3. 我国农村信用社实行社区金融模式改造研究社区金融建设的初步探讨

    The Application of the Community Financing in China 's RCC Reform

  4. 国外农村合作金融模式及其对我国的启示

    Rural Finance Cooperatives in Foreign Countries and the Lessons for China

  5. 现阶段的中国金融模式刍议

    A tentative comment on the Chinese financial mode in present stage

  6. 刍论中国金融模式下的分业与混业

    On Separation and Universal Banking Under Chinese Financial Model

  7. 法国总统离开时宣称,盎格鲁-撒克逊式的金融模式已成为翻过的一页。

    The French president left it proclaiming that a page has been turned on the Anglo-Saxon financial model .

  8. 同时,将农信社改造成社区金融模式又具有现实可行性,其主要体现为政策资源优势、管理体制优势、机构网点优势和实践经验优势。

    The policy advantage , the management system advantage , organization branch advantage and abundant experience helped to turn the ideas into reality .

  9. 在全球很多地区,以市场为基础的金融模式削弱了核心金融机构,使大型非银行金融机构承受着巨大压力。

    In many parts of the world , market-based finance has weakened core financial institutions and put large non-bank financial sectors under great strain .

  10. 这场危机不仅令中国银行家摈弃了西方的金融模式,还为北京方面提供了一个获取自然资源的契机。

    The crisis did not just turn Chinese bankers off the western financial model ; it also provided Beijing with an opportunity in natural resources .

  11. 开发性金融模式是通过借鉴、参考、消化、吸收国外先进经验并且立足国情的政策性银行经营体制改革。

    This model is developed by reference , digestion and absorption of foreign advanced experience and based on the conditions of the policy banks operating system .

  12. 孟加拉乡村银行模式是非政府组织向穷人发放小额贷款以帮助其脱贫的金融模式。

    Grameen Bank Model is such a kind of financial model that non-government organizations provide microcredit to the poor in order to help them alleviate poverty .

  13. 英美的自由放任金融模式已发展到终点,今后将要进行大改革,其金融领先优势自必大减。

    Anglo-American model of laissez-faire financial development has to end , will have to carry out major reforms of its financial lead , surely put everything greatly reduced .

  14. 所以本文设计的微型金融模式的基层、中层和高层等的建立都是针对市场需求的,都是在需求的情况下,自下而上建立的。

    Therefore , we design a pattern of microfinance from the grassroots level , the middle level , to the high level that is in the market demand from the bottom to up .

  15. 现阶段的中国金融模式是指在完善我国社会主义市场经济体制的新阶段,建立既符合中国国情又适合国际金融发展规律要求的金融模式。

    Chinese financial model in present period is to adapt to the condition of China in establishing the reform of market economic system and to tally with the financial model with regularity of international finance .

  16. 要实现工业与农业、城市与农村协调发展,实现农村经济增长与农民增收,金融模式的转型势在必然。

    To sustain a harmonious development of the industry and agriculture , of the urban and rural areas , and to increase farmers ' income with rural economy growth , the finance remodeling is indispensable .

  17. 在封闭条件下,供应链金融模式存在着信用风险、操作风险、法律风险等等风险,我国学者基本上都是研究的供应链金融封闭条件下的风险。

    In a closed condition , the financial model of the supply chain has the credit risk , operational risk , legal risk and so on . From an innovative perspective , we found country risk .

  18. 文章阐述了宁波现行金融模式与三大产业集群投融资需求不相适应,提出了创新宁波产业集群金融支撑体系的意义和对策建议。

    In this paper we discussed that the current financial model 's unfitness for the investment demand of the three industry clusters and put forward to the meanings and countermeasures to innovate the financial support system of industry clusters in Ningbo .

  19. 供应链金融模式的引入,为解决三农融资难问题提供了一条有效的途径,因其具有较大的市场潜力,正成为各家银行互相竞争的新领域。

    The introduction of the financial model of the supply chain , in order to solve the problem of financing of the " three rural " an effective way because it has a big potential market , is becoming the new areas of banks compete with each other .

  20. 由于阳光私募行业规模扩张迅速,导致业绩分化显著,因此从2009年开始作为一种新型的金融创新模式&阳光私募TOT应运而生。

    As hedge funds in China rapidly expanding , resulting in a significant performance differentiation . In 2009 began a new mode of financial innovation-TOT ( trust of trust ) .

  21. 国际金融监管模式的比较与借鉴

    The Comparison and Using for Reference of International Financial Supervision System

  22. 现代金融监管模式及发展的研究

    A Study of the Mode and Development of Modern Financial Supervision

  23. 现代农产品绿色物流金融运作模式设计

    The Design of Modern Agricultural Products Green Logistics Financial Operation Mode

  24. 论混业经营条件下金融监管模式的选择

    The Choice of Financial Regulation Mode under Integration of Financial Industry

  25. 英国金融监管模式改革分析

    An Analysis of the Reform of Financial Supervision Pattern in England

  26. 中国农村金融发展模式的进程及阶段性评估

    The Process and Progressive Evaluation of China 's Rural Financial Development Models

  27. 城乡差异型金融供给模式。

    Differences in urban and rural areas of the financial supply model .

  28. 中日农村合作金融运作模式的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Rural Finance Mode between China and Japan

  29. 金融监管模式比较与选择

    A Comparision and Choice Among the Modes of Financial Regulation

  30. 银行从事物流金融运作模式初探

    The Study on Operation Model of Banks ' Engaging in Logistics Finance