
  1. 合金中Sc含量最高为1%,金属收得率接近80%。

    The Sc content in the alloy reached 1 % and the recovery rate of the metal approached 80 % .

  2. 增加了钢产量,提高了金属收得率,延长了喷头寿命。

    Steel production and metal efficiency were increased and nozzle life was prolonged .

  3. 金属收得率提高0.4%。

    Iron yeild increased by 0.4 % .

  4. 分析了周期轧管机组的工艺特点,指出影响周期轧管机组金属收得率的原因,提出了提高周期轧管机组成材率的途径。

    Technological characteristics of the Pilger pipe mill is analyzed , elements responsible for metal yield of the mill identified , and approach to enhancing the said yield proposed .

  5. 平板式电磁搅拌器的应用可以使炉内温度均匀,上下误差在±5℃以内,成份均匀,缩短熔化时间及提高金属收得率。

    The application of the electromagnetic stirrer homogenizes the temperature of the furnace ( with ± 5 ℃ deviation ) and the composition of the bath , shortens the melting period , and raises the metal recovery rate .