
  • 网络Metal mesh belt;wire mesh belt
  1. 本文探讨了金属网带打褶的原因,并提出了有效地防止金属网带打褶的办法。

    The article explores the cause of flexoplan screen folding and raises the counter method effectively .

  2. 是采用金属网带或塑钢网带作为输送载体的一种输送设备。

    Mesh belt conveyors : mesh belt is a metal or steel mesh belt conveyor carrier as a delivery device .

  3. 刨花板生产线运输板坯的金属网带在使用一段时间后,经常产生打褶,严重地影响了刨花板的质量。

    The mat conveying flexoplan screen in particle board production line , often appear to fold after a period of time of use , which affects seriously to the quality of particle board .

  4. ※进口非金属输送网带,能彻底纠偏。

    The import non-metal conveyor mesh belt can rectify completely .

  5. 金属网麻花带蒸馏器

    Metal mesh spinning band still