
  • 网络Metal toys
  1. 当你摆弄着捷克科瓦普公司出品的老式的、发条金属玩具,大概会爱上该国的古典版泽塔拖拉机模型,有向前和后退发条(720克朗),还有可拆卸式干草马车、水箱、播种机和耕作机。

    When you start playing with the old-fashioned wind-up metal toys from the Czech company Kovap , you will probably fall in love with the tiny version of the country 's classic Zetor tractor , complete with working forward and reverse gears ( 720 koruna ) , as well as optional attachable hay wagons , cisterns , seeders and tillers .

  2. 日本食品卫生法经过修订,将覆盖范围扩大到某些指定的玩具并且修订了涂漆玩具和镶金属饰物玩具的规格和标准。

    The food sanitation law of Japan has been amended that extended the scope of designated toys and revised the specifications and standards in regard to paint coatings and metallic jewellery toys .

  3. 中美是在双方召开第二次有关消费品安全问题的峰会期间公布这项协议。此前发生了数起召回事件,涉及数百万件使用油漆含有毒金属的玩具。

    The signed agreement , which was unveiled during the second US-China summit on consumer product safety , came in the wake of the recalls of millions of toys decorated with paint containing the toxic metal .

  4. 产品:金属及塑胶玩具齿轮箱,齿轮,玩具配件及特别订造产品。

    Products : Metal and plastic toy 's gear box , gears , toy 's parts and OEM products .